Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [pers pn] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although I tease it with a tender rage
2 I started off at the s at the start I was er I was getting mouth ulcers , and then well I did n't get them to the severity that I got them with the sulfasalazine
3 Not every day , nor as often as I would wish , but I took my middle daughter to see it yesterday and we hugged it together , and two days before that I hugged it with a friend .
4 I have to confess that I walloped her with a newspaper but I did n't touch her . ’
5 However , they have asked that I provide you with the draft ( unaudited ) results for the year to 31st October , 19XX in order that you may , if you so wish , reconsider your offer .
6 Sally Curtiss , the Circle 's membership secretary , is here , so I entrusted her with the annexe key . ’
7 Everyone sits quietly in the room and the leader draws an imaginary circle with a finger and says ‘ Here I have the wonderful magic circle and I sign it with a dot .
8 ‘ The gate 's open , ’ she said , ‘ and I wedged it with a brick . ’
9 And I shared mine with an ATS girl , ’ Jane sighed .
10 Dinner I boil myself just a few potatoes , and I eat them with a piece of bread …
11 So I said OK , and I gave him a real fancy one — it was like topiary , and I left him with a rude word on the back of his head .
12 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
13 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
14 I brought grim news , and I delivered it with a certain mournful pleasure .
15 Her last words had been spoken very portentously , and I rewarded them with a dubious shrug .
16 Since they had n't spotted me earlier , there was no embarrassment attached to my circuitous ramble and I hailed them with a tone of voice that sounded as if I knew what I was doing .
17 B : ‘ I thought she was far too cocky but then I changed my mind and I pursued her with a vengeance . ’
18 I suppose I knew what your reaction would be , but thought in my arrogance that if I presented you with a fait accompli , the sale of the land , your money back , you 'd be so overwhelmed with gratitude that you 'd immediately fall into my arms . ’
19 If I hit it with the chair-back …
20 At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little jokes about Andreas 's ‘ harem ’ , but I took them with a good grace .
21 I went to punch him but I caught him with the crowbar instead . ’
22 But I did it with a heavy heart , I can tell you .
23 But I think we with the wet stuff we 've had going through , the chute is blocking up .
24 He hopped close to my feet and waited till I presented him with a bun all to himself , and he had hard work nibbling it and taking it along with him to his home .
25 Some some of them were never in t I well I did n't know my aunt when I met her with a hat on .
26 When I confronted her with the chapter and verse of her part in arranging for tip the press off about her visit to Mrs Bartholomew , she was adamant in her denials .
27 And why does n't British Rail offer a recycling facility for my old two-inch-thick timetable , when I replace it with the new edition twice each year ?
28 When I used it with a 50lb rucksack there were no sweaty damp patches .
29 Councillor I I had to admit that I 'm slightly lost in that one A now ends as I understand it with the roman numeral three that was proposed in the labour amendment .
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