Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [pron] [modal v] give " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People have helped me in the past so I thought I would give them a help along the way , ’ he said .
2 Anything western was frowned upon , so I thought I 'd give it a bit of time before I got into my trousers and things .
3 He said hello , so I thought I 'd give him a try first .
4 ‘ The plant has been neglected for a few years so I thought I 'd give it some plant food and water and to my astonishment this was the result , ’ said Margaret .
5 Anyhow , my father 's just taken her to the doctor 's , so I thought I 'd give you a ring .
6 When they saw Ruth , both men looked slightly abashed , like a pair of overgrown schoolboys , and Connor explained : ‘ This young man wants to learn the rudiments of sparring , so I said I 'd give him a few pointers .
7 Now it 's not going to be easy for the girl , so I hope you will give her all the support you can .
8 And I hope you 'll give my offer serious consideration . ’
9 ‘ What I plan to produce for ITV , and I know they 'll give me the scope , are quality , probing interviews .
10 And I know you will give us an excellent piece . ’
11 And I know you could give me lots of good advice on how to make a success of it .
12 Er and I wish I could give you , you know , a nice clear cut , definite answer but the Sale of Goods Act is rather vague on that point .
13 I 've been asked to write about it and I said I 'd give it a think . ’
14 But I mean , Gill would go out and I said I 'd give her a if if we did it e er turn and turn about you only have to find one about once every eight weeks like .
15 Erm the the railway track , erm once it was extended through to and I say I 'll give you the details on that in a minute , erm went over the er Road , and then the track that was nearest to er the town , was curved in and joined that other line erm and er went off to .
16 But rest assured : today 's public would make nothing of ED and DE , and I promise I shall give nothing further away .
17 I do n't think he has that many visitors and I feel we should give him all the support we can . ’
18 Now I have to tell you that last year we raised a hundred and thirteen million pounds and of that over ninety per cent , that 's a hundred and four million pounds were actually spent on projects for children and I 'm very proud of that ratio indeed and I think it ought to give you , the raisers of money , a great deal of comfort because for a fund with two headquarters buildings which operates all over the world this is a distribution of funds of which to be proud .
19 I think the fact that the books were filled out correctly and I think you should give the people that did the stock take , congratulations because the books were filled out reasonably well considering some of their ex inexperience in it .
20 ‘ Knowing does n't make it any easier for me , but I hope he can give her a reason for living .
21 But I mean it 'll give you er a wattage er , whatever it is
22 ‘ Perhaps he is n't quite what we 've been used to , but I thought we might give him a trial .
23 As I explained earlier , I nearly threw my oil pastels away in frustration , but I thought I would give them another try with a different approach .
24 ‘ True , ’ said Hopper , ‘ but I thought I 'd give you the chance of testing for it … ’
25 I never thought it would work , but I felt we ought to give it a try . ’
26 ‘ Hmm , this circle might interfere with any melodious resonances , but I suppose I could give you a rattle each to shake . ’
27 I think we had better try and influence that as churches not that we should about the suffering that goes on about the death that goes on , but I think we ought to give all this another dimension in churches .
28 " I 'll be back before dinner , but I think I 'll give the village concert a miss .
29 I did n't want to tell her because I thought she 'd give up .
30 I lit another cigarette from the stub of the first ( unheard-of for me ) — not because I wanted it but because I felt it might give an illusion of poise to walk into the Presence with a cigarette dangling carelessly from my lips .
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