Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving .
2 I felt fine — refreshed almost — my leg a little sore but not enough to impede me , although I did wonder at the wisdom of the ‘ cute red heels and hose ’ as I wriggled my feet into the 4-inch-high stilettos .
3 but it 's also linked , I mean the other thing that I 've got at the back of my mind , is a kind of nightmare , is that when we were talking about the Festival around about March that you know , we spoke to Ingy er you know as a group and then that was all fine and we kept er going along and then , and then there was that sort of dreadful phone call I had from Linda along the lines as I 'm not sure if I 've got any describers
4 I gave up the stiff white collars that I had worn at the advertising agency and was careful to wear plain ties ; but my suits were Burton 's at £10 a time .
5 I stayed for a while about twenty paces away from the platform barrier , numbed by the realization that I had fallen at the first hurdle .
6 Following the work that I had done at the MU on the Circuit Board Fault Diagnostic Aid in connection with my MSc project , 2 members of the staff had gained experience of expert systems : the Chief Technician and a civilian who had assisted me during the project .
7 I felt helpless and despairing and suddenly so ill that I had to clutch at the door to stop myself falling .
8 Knowing that I had to start at a new school in the city , with new people and new teachers , I began to worry all over again .
9 The kitchen looked so clean and bright , and the ladies so kind and sensible , that I dared to knock at the door .
10 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
11 It was just that I happened to ask at the right moment .
12 The Hotel Manila has now been transformed into a Ramada Renaissance Hotel , with correspondingly high prices , so I prefer to stay at the Hotel Gaudi , still unspoilt , which has the advantage of being right opposite the enchanting Theatre Museum .
13 Madame always had a little stage set up there at the end , and I remember thinking at the time , well , seven nights in a week and seven different acts , it 's one way of dealing with the situation .
14 because I think er Mr 's motion is erm , similar to er Rosie 's erm except that , I mean I think what we 're actually saying is that we do actually have a number of waste planning sort of policy panel , er and this is something look , needs to be looked at in , in some detail , erm and if we just do it via a sort of straight report to the Environment Committee and I mean look at the sort of agenda we 've got today er you know how much time can we spend on the details so I mean I hope the Liberal Democrats would accept that erm yes it will obviously come to the Environment Committee eventually er but that it actually should go to the Waste Planning to the Policy panel and other bits no doubt to the Waste Disposal sort of Sub Committee for this is the policy er committee of course .
15 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
16 This morning they 're different again down there cos I 've been down there and I 've looked at the situation erm and I 've had a word with the lads there and I will try and alter it a little bit more .
17 My father had initially encouraged my interest in the stock market and I had jumped at the chance of a part-time job in the City .
18 It 's when I , when I went to Poland it 's not two or three years , it was nineteen seventy three and I was , I was just coming in into the church and the one Witness was with me and we were going in er big town like Cracow , you know , we were going one way and there was a couple coming erm to meet us like you know in , in , in , on the road , and he was just wearing erm jeans and no shirt , but erm a big , big wooden cross on his chest just reaching really across his chest a wooden cross and then erm a safety pin in his nose and three safety pins attached to one another through his ears and this Witness with me walking down , she says just look at this couple and the girl was , wore the same dress she , she had the top on , you know , but again all sort of queer looking and she , this Witness with me , with me so , she said just look at the two that 's er coming aga to meet us and I said yes and I looked and I said look at the cross and she says yes , it used to be , they used to hang the criminals on the crosses and now the crosses hang on the criminals is n't that lovely , and now the cross is er all the criminals instead of the cross , oh yes
19 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
20 Many are the times me wife and I have sat at the table with a large sheet of graph paper and worked it all out , only to find that either my ruler 's idea of an inch does n't tally with the real thing , or the width of a pencil line on the plan actually equates to a foot in real life .
21 ‘ We toured the Transport Museum , ’ said Peter , ‘ and Alexander Karaulov and I stopped to look at the autogyro on display .
22 ‘ No , I 've been to the office , and I wanted to look at the projected sales figures for this quarter .
23 If I wanted to point at the put directory .
24 I invariably sat at the back of the class for reasons not unconnected with gang warfare , and if I needed to glance at the blackboard there was always someone to show me roughly where it was .
25 I invariably sat at the back of the class for reasons not unconnected with gang warfare , and if I needed to glance at the blackboard there was always someone to show me roughly where it was .
26 I do n't want to rush you but I 've booked at the bistro down the road for nine o'clock so we ought to have this drink and go . ’
27 It 's a pure technicality , Mr chairman , but I did ask at the previous meeting er , that the erm , director of property services respond to me on a matter relating to Wootton Bassett magistrate 's court , If we have such a large amount of money that we can spend I think the questions that I posed then , er are relevant and I would appreciate a reply .
28 I 'm sorry to inflict this on you , Miss Glynn , but I want to look at the contents of the bureau amongst other things and it is better that a member of the family should be present .
29 ‘ We indicated we would be interested to talk to Gerry Adams , because I wanted to look at the man and hear his voice and ask him directly about how he could be in league with an organisation like the IRA .
30 ‘ We indicated we would be interested to talk to Gerry Adams , because I wanted to look at the man and hear his voice and ask him directly about how he could be in league with an organisation like the IRA .
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