Example sentences of "[conj] it was say that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile on April 25 the National Assembly had unanimously approved a plan for the resettlement of 3,000-4,000 marsh Arabs in new settlements on the periphery of the marshlands , where it was said that they would have improved access to services .
2 A 17-year-old paper-stainer , James Irons , was brought before the magistrate — described by the police as a ring-leader and by his mother as ‘ a good boy ’ — where it was said that he had ‘ used disgusting language , and discharged a number of stones larger than walnuts from a powerful catapult ’ .
3 He was so quick to forgive personal insults and injuries that it was said that you only had to injure him in order to have him as a friend for life .
4 Willie Baxter was gripped by fear , he did n't understand it , he hated the dark tunnels , he stopped walking and the noise stopped ; by now Willie was probably near the point where the tunnels passed under the River Clyde and it was said that it was possible to hear the sound of a ship 's propeller whenever a vessel passed overhead .
5 Reeves-Smith was an inveterate buyer of books , and it was said that he bought a hotel in Seaford , Sussex , to accommodate his library .
6 Now this Baba Yaga lived in a hut in the forest , and it was said that she ate men up as if they were chickens .
7 The Queen returned , but it was said that she insisted that the Shah get rid of Gilda .
8 Not only was he being fearfully indiscreet , but it was said that he had been foolish enough actually to marry her and to install her in a cottage in the palace grounds .
9 In those days I was known as ‘ Horse ’ because it was said that I galloped , so the cries from team-mates Mike Powell and Ossie Cham were ‘ Come on , Horse ! ’
10 Thomas Duff , who had been going about his business as a messenger boy when it was said that he ‘ nearly ran in to two gentlemen ’ , put up a stout defence in court .
11 The laughter filled the room , it filled the shop , it even penetrated the wall into the tobacconist 's shop and made Arthur Conway wonder if the three old girls next door had gone barmy or taken to the bottle early in the day , for it was said that they took wine with their dinner .
12 There they lived their lives , and prospered for a while ; but there was a disquiet amongst them , for it was said that they had been created with a purpose in this life , and that the purpose had something to do with the manner of their creation .
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