Example sentences of "[conj] it is [verb] that a " in BNC.

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1 Where it is suspected that a piece is made up of unrelated fragments , the composition can sometimes be studied to sort out which fragments are original , or at least which ones belong together .
2 After spending nearly a year living in the garage of a house in Jakarta , three are now in a biomedical research laboratory , and seven are caged in a holding facility in a burnt-out forest area in Kalimantan ( the Indonesian half of the island of Borneo ) where it is proposed that a rehabilitation centre should be built .
3 Where it is shown that an estimate was unreasonable and not made to the company 's best ability , a penalty may arise .
4 Developments in Scotland are also being followed keenly south of the Border , where it is expected that a Scottish Lord Chancellor will introduce family legislation for England and Wales which will follow the example set by his countrymen .
5 Although it is recognised that a major proportion of referrals to social service departments are about elderly clients ( Black et al . ,
6 The insurance should cover the full cost of rebuilding and reinstatement from time to time , although it is accepted that a covenant to insure for the " full cost of reinstatement " will be construed as meaning the cost of reinstatement at the time when reinstatement actually takes place , as opposed to the date when the premium is paid , or any other date .
7 Although it is conceded that a ‘ decline ’ occurred in a few trades , reformers are said to have been confused by terminology and to have failed to distinguish between ‘ deskilling of individual jobs and industrial changes which led to the number of jobs in certain industries or occupations declining either relatively or absolutely , but not to the nature of the job themselves changing ’ .
8 It is within such a framework of thought that it is contended that a priest must necessarily be male .
9 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
10 Suppose that it is known that a financial expert reaches the ‘ right ’ decision ( whatever that may be ) in 20% more cases than I do when I do not rely on his advice .
11 Suppose that it is known that a certain event is to occur on a certain day , but may take place at only one of two possible times , namely , 12.00 noon or 12.00 midnight .
12 Erm the editors say that , and I rely upon this because it 's important in my submission , that it is submitted that a wider view might be taken as the function of a solicitor as expert witnesses .
13 Once it is determined that a particular exclusion clause is not invalidated under fiduciary law , it is then necessary to consider whether it is affected by the common law and statutory restrictions on exclusion clauses generally .
14 Once it is determined that an entity has an item that meets the definition of one of the elements , the next question to answer is whether that item should be recognised in the financial statements .
15 The management should be aware that once it is known that a business is for sale , it is likely that it will be bought by someone , if not themselves .
16 Once a Bill or a proposed measure requiring parliamentary approval enters the lists and it is realised that an environmental impact assessment must be produced , and once it is decided to commission an environmental impact assessment it becomes public property .
17 Although it is recognised that performance review must be tailored to local circumstances , generalisations can be made and it is intended that a good practice guide be drawn up based on experience to date .
18 In 1963 , in B.R. days , it received a full overhaul and it is believed that a new front tube plate was fitted .
19 Particular care is needed where reports are prepared and it is believed that a person other than the client will have access to the report and may seek to rely upon it ( eg a long form report prepared for a vendor prior to sale ) .
20 This does not , therefore , purport to be a standard list , and it is recognised that an up to date and authoritative list is greatly to be desired .
21 The purpose was to begin a discussion which would launch a PLAN OF ACTION series in the 200th issue of Spare Rib , and it is hoped that an ongoing debate will ensue — dealing with some of the major difficulties facing the women 's movement in this country and worldwide .
22 Development of these is now underway and it is anticipated that a range in a number of occupational sectors will be available for introduction in September 1992 .
23 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
24 Soon the Wheelbarrow is trundling down the road towards the explosion site , and it is established that an IED positioned in a hole by the fence-post and fired through a wire appears to have only parti ally exploded .
25 Over one and a half million pensioners ( 15% ) , claimed the means tested top up Income Support in 1989–90 , and it is estimated that a further 0.9 million were eligible , but did not claim .
26 Sixty per cent of the ships carry oil or oil derivatives , natural gas , chemicals or nuclear waste and it is estimated that an additional 75 million tonnes of oil would pass through the Bosphorus each year " the equivalent of four supertankers a day " if oil from Azerbaijan 's oil fields was pumped to a Black Sea port for onward shipment .
27 As the servos move to new positions , large ‘ chunks ’ of current are taken from the battery supply and it is recommended that a tantalum capacitor be used in this position .
28 Great care is required during fumigation and it is recommended that a suitable respirator is worn .
29 There has been 12 letters of objection to the final stretch to Ballyduggan Mill lodged and it is expected that a meeting between all the parties involved will take place to see if there is some way of reconciling the objections .
30 However , with the creation of further women 's organizations , the need to have a unified representation has increased and it is expected that a new co-ordinating body will be founded in the near future .
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