Example sentences of "[conj] it is [vb pp] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These groups represent a minority opinion , she suggests , and it is up to the NVALA and groups like it to defend and reassert ‘ traditional ’ values before humanism takes a grip of society generally , rather than just at the BBC where it is viewed as already having a stranglehold .
2 The contents are then sucked into a large tank on a trailer , which is taken to a local refuse treatment works , where it is emptied and thoroughly cleaned .
3 But when it is transferred to the printed page , where it is read and not heard , all the clues necessary for following the exchange have to be extracted from other sources in the text .
4 Depending upon each plant , where it is planted and how it is supported , this tendency can often be countered by cutting back hard , encouraging the break-out of new growth from the base — and then using a little plant ‘ psychology ’ .
5 Scientists are concerned that their increasing use may be having a damaging effect on river and animal life , although it is acknowledged that only a small proportion of the phosphate in our rivers and lakes comes from domestic sources .
6 Cost savings have been made in levels of management , although it is claimed that only around 50 jobs have gone .
7 Rather , it treats them as ‘ given ’ , in the sense that it is seen as neither plausible nor fruitful to attempt a causal explanation of them .
8 Most people feel an obligation to keep in contact with their siblings , but beyond that it is regarded as quite proper for relationships to vary in the level of intimacy and the type of support offered ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 ; Allan , 1979 ) .
9 The next matter is this , that it is known that unfortunately the plaintiff will require an operation in due course to correct a I 'm not sure whether deformity is quite the right word , mm , mm but it is close enough of the foot .
10 Future tapes will provide information on wine and then meat and it is intended that ultimately all specialist areas will be covered . .
11 Course centres will be introducing the new scheme this autumn and it is hoped that even more students will be encouraged to work towards a Machine Knitting qualification .
12 Courses in Accountancy and European and Human Rights Law are being set up and it is hoped that as many pupils as possible will attend them , but for economic reasons it has been decided not to make them compulsory this year .
13 Procedure c ) will require about one hour for each unit of work and it is anticipated that up to three units will be requested at a time .
14 ‘ Largemouth ’ is now almost extinct in the lake , and it is estimated that probably 50% of other species are also now extinct due to the introduction of the predatory Nile Perch as a food fish some 40 years ago .
15 On the other hand , in many instances the repossession order is not carried out and it is estimated that only 60 per cent of orders eventually result in repossession .
16 And it is estimated that currently 87% of the 1,672,000 tonnes of pulp Britain imports each year has been chlorine-bleached .
17 The Conservatives would continue to commercialise and privatise the NHS until it is run as just another business .
18 In other words , both the land is cheap if it is realised and secondly , already the British Library has an asset at Exhibition Road which can be used to defray the cost of some of the building .
19 A social institution is ‘ legitimate ’ if it is perceived as morally justified ; the problem with the penal system is that this perception is lacking and many people inside and outside the system believe that it is morally indefensible , or at least defective .
20 But they will be quick to point out to ministers that ‘ helping the poorest ’ can often lead to poverty and unemployment traps , as any state benefit aimed just at low-income households will discourage them from earning more or getting a job if it is withdrawn as soon as they do so .
21 French move : A large French multi-national , Saur , is planning to expand its water interests in the UK by investing in Scottish water if it is franchised and not sold off .
22 In ‘ Shake , Rattle and Roll ’ , even if it is interpreted as totally devoid of the non-formulaic ( far-fetched , once one listens carefully to performance nuances ) , the collectivizing repetitions can take on a positive cultural significance , in the context of use by young working-class dancers .
23 the results of an experiment will be undermined if it is shown that not all the relevant factors have been taken into account .
24 Thus if it is held that really we are substances ( Descartes ) , then , it would seem , it must also be held that all we can be aware of in perception are modifications of ourselves , which are , at most , the representations in us of modifications of other substances .
25 Furthermore , any act which falls within the express or implied powers of the vendor contained in its memorandum of association , whether or not a breach of duty on the part of the vendor 's directors , will be binding on the vendor if it is approved or subsequently ratified by the shareholders .
26 That is still the government 's public view , but it is understood that privately ministers have conceded they may have to change the law in three or four years .
27 Because no records of these are kept , the number of victims is unknown , but it is thought that nearly 200 die in street falls per annum in England and Wales .
28 Of course , this is easier said than done , but it is thought that up to 50% of births of this type could be prevented by better standards of care .
29 But it is suggested that even this is not possible , for in refusing to recognize their autonomy , men often effectively annihilate women from the start .
30 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
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