Example sentences of "[conj] it could not [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Either it would not or it could not observe the policy .
2 The magazine found that it could not justify the Crozier allegations which it had published , and agreed to apologise , pay damages and make a statement in open court publicly retracting the libel .
3 The court said that it could not tell the Chief Constable how he should respond to the situation as it could not judge the explosiveness of the situation at the time .
4 A task force within BCCI was set up to investigate : on the basis of its report , PW told the BCCI directors that it could not sign the 1989 accounts because of a number of uncertainties , including increasing CCAH loans , an exposure of $700m to the Gulf Group , and ‘ certain accounting transactions principally booked in Cayman and other offshore centres ’ that ‘ have been either false or deceitful ’ .
5 One reason for the codification , however , was a fear that the case law was becoming excessively rigid ; another , that it could not bear the weight of what , by the mid-nineteenth century , was a widespread abuse of the bill of exchange ( notably , through the use of accommodation paper ) .
6 Having been warned off Channel 7 by Pannells , he contacted the Institute only to find that it could not approve the service .
7 The PLO , however , had stated that it could not endorse the deployment until an " official Palestinian-Lebanese agreement " had been reached .
8 Is it because the Labour party feels that it could not convince the people but could achieve its objectives through a centralist bureaucracy in Europe — rather than through argument and persuading its own people ?
9 The Solidarity leadership , while supporting the workers ' demands , said that the means used were not appropriate and that it could not deny the legitimacy of the government 's position .
10 The Government could have ignored the outcry from the unions and Labour but it could not ignore the unexpected media attack .
11 The hard-nosed bullet struck home into the bull 's chest , wounding it fatally , but it could not stop the lunging charge nor ward off the twin crescents of bone thrust upwards into his body with all the force of the seladang 's powerful neck .
12 The Labour Party had traditionally concentrated on " gas and water " socialism , but it could not avoid the revision of its foreign policy which events made necessary .
13 It could oversee the substantial new academic development but it could not determine the shape of the sector of higher education it performed only one part in developing .
14 But it could not resist the collapse of business confidence after leading politicians were found to have refused corporate bribes on moral grounds .
15 Curran is convinced that it produced a ‘ muted radicalism ’ but it would be equally justified to claim that the Mirror had to change because it could not portray the 1950s and 1960s in the language or imagery of the 1940s .
16 Education was necessary in cultivating this belief , for though it could not abolish the monotony of labour , ‘ it can add value , meaning and even pride to the vocation of the worker if it helps him to understand his relations with his fellows , the importance of his contribution to the national task ’ .
17 The court said that it could not tell the Chief Constable how he should respond to the situation as it could not judge the explosiveness of the situation at the time .
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