Example sentences of "[conj] it be an [noun sg] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Traditional examinations rely on a single mark or a grade to indicate the level of performance relative to other pupils , although it is an indication which says nothing about the nature of the achievement .
2 Now , could argue that Greater York could be bigger or smaller , the local government commission , erm er there report is a very interesting read , I mean a number of the options that they 've looked at would be a gra er a city of York going out to the ring road , erm that might be one option , there 's a there there idea of of Greater York , they did harden , they did see some merit in in a Greater York unitary authority based on the Greater York planning study I think , erm whether that is going to come to pass only Mr Gummer presumably er knows , so my idea of Greater York is that it 's an area which is tied socially and economically to the city , you could argue as mobility increases , as the A ni nineteen is improved up through the County that really Northallerton now is perhaps more within the sphere of influence of York than it was ten years ago , erm e it was probably to a degree influenced by York even twenty years ago , erm I do n't think er there is much to be gained by debating where Greater York ought to be , the Secretary of State previously has n't been bothered about er amending it er it seems to us to be the reasonable area , and it 's a combination of five districts , erm erm erm who who who hopefully should be working together towards sorting out the er other problems of Greater York .
3 Manslaughter is the offence committed when one person causes the death of another by an act which is unlawful and which is also dangerous , dangerous in the sense that it is an act which all sober and reasonable people would inevitably realise must subject the victim to the risk of some harm resulting whether the defendant realised that or not .
4 Given the spectrum of possible interpretations to be accorded to the term employee , the Board 's choice would be accepted provided that it was an interpretation which the reviewing court believed , in the light of the overall statutory objective , to be one which had a rational basis .
5 The expression I am quoting is uttered by Dyer , and it is an expression which Ackroyd is given to using in his books .
6 Pastiche is a dualistic activity , and it is an activity which can lend itself to the expression of paranoid feelings and unacted desires .
7 Self-advocacy complements ‘ normalisation ’ and it is an issue which , recently , staff have actively begun to promote .
8 This is important and it is an issue which we will address in the coming chapters as we attempt to separate out the problems for both users and their community and whether the source of the problem is with heroin use or its legal and social status .
9 And it is an irony which has not been lost on him .
10 And it is an improvement which only they have the requisite professional skills and training to undertake .
11 It is also a very English subject ( as befits a Professor of English Law ) and it is an interest which I share with my distinguished predecessor , Professor Sir Gordon Borrie .
12 I saw the student riots in Rome and it was an experience which greatly moved me .
13 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
14 It is no longer fashionable to discuss the Industrial Revolution as if it were an event which happened between 1760 and 1840 .
15 But it is an idea which has succeeded .
16 The criterion-referencing of assessments is not an essential feature of graded tests , but it is an approach which has been strongly recommended because it is intended to make clearer the targets which pupils need to aim for and to provide information on achievements for parents , teachers and employers .
17 The alienation of groups among the younger voters has perhaps received too much publicity but it is an attitude which is shared to some degree by other sections of the community .
18 But it is an agreement which is " restrictive of trade " in this sense , that it requires a man to give his services and wares to one person only for a long term of years to the exclusion of all others .
19 That it has not proved possible to squeeze our resources further in order to accomplish this is cause for regret , but it is an aim which I am confident that all of my successors will seek to achieve .
20 Negative interest rate , as exercised by Swiss bankers , is not at this stage suggested , but it is an option which Swiss experience would help us to achieve if needed in the future .
21 But it was an American whose vision prompted such grand travel .
22 In response to an appeal by the Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger ( USTN ) on May Day 1990 for the introduction of a multiparty system , Mamadou Dagra , the Minister of Civil Service and Labour , said that this was not excluded by Niger 's current political system , but it was an issue which should not be pursued with haste .
23 But it was an age which saw the slow , sure , and steady progress of social improvement and it was an age of hope , of optimistic belief in the future , unashamed aspiration for better days and better conditions in the world .
24 Yes but it was an aim which I 'm sure I I would , alright alright
25 I make no apology for the title of this chapter because it was an expression which my cousins used very frequently .
26 The motivation issue is not an easy one to discuss , since it is an item which is seldom adequately defined .
27 The complexity of the problem depends among other things on whether the species is a specialist feeder which eats only one or two types of prey , or whether it is an omnivore which eats many kinds of prey .
28 The relative importance of each of these influences is not , however , fully understood though it is an issue which has both humanitarian and economic implications .
29 In my view there was indeed an inconsistency here , though it was an inconsistency which Friedman only recognized implicitly when he started putting forward an alternative model , radically different from his accelerationist hypothesis , which denied any direct role for aggregate demand in influencing the level of employment .
30 It is this belief that I am trying to express , for it is an art which is applicable to any enterprise of any size in any area of life 's activities .
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