Example sentences of "[conj] it be not to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Before the ark disappears from the narrative for the time being ( it does not play a major role again until its triumphal entry into Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 6 , though it does feature in another battle with the Philistines in 1 Samuel 14 ) , it leaves behind one more reminder that it is not to be trifled with .
2 Third , an animal may be brightly coloured as a warning to its enemies that it is not to be trifled with .
3 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
4 Yet , as they finally declare their love for each other — having been tricked into so doing — Beatrice asks one favour : It seems to me that the fact that this request comes in prose is a sign that it is not to be taken seriously , since it , too , like so much else in the play , is based on false appearances .
5 But despite this general rule Parliament can if it wishes confine a decision on a question of law to a particular inferior court and provide that the decision shall be final so that it is not to be challenged either by appeal or by judicial review .
6 The management of the trustees is really , I venture to think , of the nature of what is described in one of the rules as a private or domestic use , and so described for the purpose of making it clear that it is not to be allowed as a deduction .
7 After waiting around for some considerable time to see if there was any chance that Elector Carl Theodor would offer him even a temporary appointment , Mozart was informed that it was not to be .
8 In the course of his opinion in Maitland , the Lord President ( Clyde ) observed that the nobile officium should be exercised where a formal step had been per incuriam , omitted , and unnecessary delay and expenditure would result if the whole procedure had to be carried out again ; but that it was not to be used as a cloak for incompetence to extend a statutory remedy to a party who had not been given such a remedy , or , by consent of parties , to supplement statutory procedure by what would be an amendment of a statute .
9 In the case of Archer-Shee , which is said to have established that such income is income of the beneficiary , it appears to have been conceded by the Revenue that it was not to be so treated as regards liability for Income Tax .
10 In saying this , of course , we are simply restating the fundamental question of psycholinguistics and it is not to be expected that there is some answer to the problem of explanation or even a commonly agreed way of investigating the issues involved .
11 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
12 Each of these subjects involves a highly intricate body of law , and it is not to be expected that any one man or even three or four men can master them all .
13 As Dorothy Hardisty wrote in her journal , ‘ … such failures exist where so great an upheaval has taken place , and it was not to be expected that the Movement 's records should be free from shadows . ’
14 He looked wise and solemn when he said this , because he knew that ladies — even sorceress 's daughters — had their own ideas about what they ought to wear and it was not to be supposed that Flame would be any different .
15 Meanwhile , declining confidence in the pound , and perhaps in the ‘ Thatcher Revolution , ’ is severely constraining ministers at a time when — as a formidable faction in the Cabinet has recognised — the Government needs to give a higher priority to the quality of life if it is not to be swept aside in the 1990s .
16 Instead , we 're willing to take the risk and give Birmingham the retail centre it deserves and needs if it is not to be completely undermined by rival out-of-town attractions . ’
17 I have also made a very rich soup from smoked salmon pieces , but be very cautious about your fish stock if it is not to be spoiled by excessive salt .
18 But anything of a bigger scale that involves attracting the public or rallying the faithful or listening to a guest speaker does need forethought and care if it is not to be a shambles .
19 If it is not to be a positively charged convex curve , the intermediate rods need to be trimmed to form a straight edge .
20 But it has to be formulated more precisely if it is not to be confused with other crimes which have the dubious distinction of sharing these aphorismic characteristics .
21 At first you may well have to put the puppy on its leash and keep it close to you if it is not to be an annoyance when visitors call .
22 You will need to have your stake ready well before planting begins because it will have to be prepared properly if it is not to be a waste of time .
23 If it is not to be mere rhetoric , then its scope has continually to be exercised and its limits stretched .
24 If it is not to be provided by the health authority , will the Government give an assurance that the schools themselves will be empowered and funded to offer the nursing care that children with special needs require ?
25 So I think it is a matter of erm importance for the structure plan its inclusion er and I think to put the an answer to one of the questions that was put earlier , if it is not to be left to the district to decide on where development is or is not appropriate in open countryside as defined in the structure plan policy , who it is intended could be making the decision on where development would be appropriate .
26 ‘ But if it is not to be , it will not worry me .
27 For one thing the performance must be emotionally convincing , if it is not to be ludicrous ; a requirement rendered even more urgent by the technical impossibility , in mainstream cinema , of showing the act itself .
28 This decision , if it were not to be entirely arbitrary , would presumably be based upon considerations of style or general policy .
29 Alum Pot is a fitting end to this chapter on Ingleborough , but it is not to be inferred that the words and photographs adequately describe the manifold attractions of this wonderful mountain ; literally they only touch the surface and do not probe the dark secrets beneath .
30 The object of the executors ' year is to protect the personal representatives from demands for immediate payment but it is not to be relied on to cover undue delay in dealing with the estate .
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