Example sentences of "[conj] it be [art] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Although it 's a bit on the big side to lug around the mountainside , I advise you to keep a copy handy as the cold nights draw in — it 'll ensure your skyline walking dreams stay with you through the winter .
2 He dismisses the idea that it is a tax on knowledge and an anti-competitive tax which would leave television news unscathed .
3 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
4 I see this point of view from my own position as a third generation commuter between Harrogate and Leeds , and as a third generation commuter I do n't feel that it is a commentary on any absence of jobs in Harrogate or any shortage of jobs in Harrogate that I work in Leeds and live in Harrogate , it 's just something I 've grown up to think of as natural .
5 I think basically what I 'd like to say today is that I personally agree with what Ida 's saying that it is an attack on the Health Service , and it is the greatest achievement that the Labour Party has done in history in my opinion .
6 Stirling Moss remarked that it had six gears but needed 16 , from which you can gather that it was a bit on the peaky side .
7 This might suggest that it was a calumny on Boso 's part , but Gregory himself states directly that Mummolus received Gundovald .
8 rate under the last Labour Government and mentions that it was a tax on luxuries .
9 On a visit to Northern Ireland , he was brash enough to taunt the region that it was a burden on the Westminster exchequer and could be cut off without a penny .
10 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
11 Double back at the top of the stairs , and it 's the door on the right . ’
12 The current crisis places a new agenda before trade unionists and community groups , and it is an agenda on which many of the items are common to both .
13 Such incidents were highly embarrassing to the union , and it was a relief on some occasions to record that the offenders were not members , but had been supplied by the Shipping Federation .
14 Dan-Air was Gatwick 's main airline and it was the effect on the West Sussex airport that prompted Mr Heseltine to reach his conclusion after the recommendations of the Director General of Fair Trading .
15 I can remember staring after the fatal chariot until it was a dot on the new road .
16 If it , if it was a match on a Tuesday this week , would you have played ?
17 Take this one , for example ; walking along the canal towpath at this late hour of the night , as if it was the park on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and life held no dangers for him at all .
18 Cos it 's no good on its own .
19 Materials of this kind , and strategies to deal neatly with their storage , are typical of many ordinary well-equipped classrooms , but it is the emphasis on the visually handicapped child 's special need to learn to master the environment and locate and use the objects in it without too much difficulty that warrants attention .
20 But it was an allowance on top of wages .
21 But it was an authority on earth , and the idea of Peter as some doorkeeper of heaven should be resisted .
22 But it was an improvement on William 's taste in art and they served a good pint of bitter , and Preston might almost have settled back to enjoy it if he 'd been able to forget their reason for being there and if Emily had n't kept on at him about William and the Black Death .
23 She knew that this trouble with her daughter would be all the more enjoyed because it was a reflection on herself .
24 He remembered this because it was the day on which the BBC Home Service had announced the news that Her Majesty the Queen had given birth to what would become known as Prince Edward .
25 So while it 's a wilderness on the outside , it 's highly controlled below the surface , ’ she said thoughtfully .
26 Similarly with regard to misrepresentations made , it was held in Overbrooke Estates Ltd v Glencombe Properties Ltd [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1335 ( followed by the Court of Appeal in Collins v Howell-Jones ( 1980 ) 259 EG 331 ) , that a clause limiting the authority of auctioneers and the firm 's employees to make or give representations or warranties , fell outside the scope of the original version of s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , since it was a limitation on the apparent authority of the auctioneers rather than an exemption clause .
27 This question and the five after it are a test on the previous two copies of the Journal .
28 Every one of those links , whether it is an effect on the chemistry inside a cell , a later effect on how brain cells wire themselves together , an even later effect on behaviour , or a final effect on lake size , is correctly regarded as caused by a change in the DNA .
29 One stickleback will put another to flight when it is an owner attacking an intruder , but will itself flee from the same individual when it is an intruder on the other 's territory .
30 It was not even like other railways , for it was a railway on its own , the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
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