Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ON the edge of limestone country , Ease Gill is classic limestone : at its lower end it is a dry " alley with an impressive cavernous " kirk " , and further upstream it has the waterfall at Cow Dub where the beck leaves a pure white flowstone bed to drop twenty feet through a collapsed cavern into a deep pool where it is again cupped in limestone .
2 The Congress had been elected in March 1990 [ see p. 37322 , where it is misleadingly referred to as the republican Supreme Soviet , this being in fact the name of the standing legislature elected from the Congress ] .
3 This ‘ technology transfer ’ is a process of innovation , but it involves spreading existing technology from sectors where it is conventionally used throughout industry so as to provide added value and competitive advantage .
4 Sometimes it is omitted where it is historically expected to be present , and sometimes it is added where it is not expected .
5 This should be sited in the house or in an outbuilding , where it is simply plugged into a convenient socket outlet which acts as the on/off switch for the lights .
6 It has performed superbly on the Swanage Railway where it is ideally suited to the kind of work undertaken at that location .
7 That purchase added around 3 percentage points to its share of the liquid milk market , taking it to 16 per cent , where it is now snapping at the heels of the second-largest operator , Dairy Crest , the marketing subsidiary of the MMB , which claims a market share of around 17 per cent .
8 Put briefly and simply what is required is to write a formula that will allocate the time spent to the appropriate project column where it is then multiplied by the relevant charging rate to show the amount of money due from the client .
9 Following its defeats in municipal elections and in elections to the House of Councillors in July 1989 [ see pp. 36800-01 ] , the LDP had embarked upon a programme aimed at reasserting and regaining the political influence which had been damaged not only by the scandals but also by the imposition of an unpopular 3 per cent general consumption tax [ GCT — see p. 36618 , where it is wrongly referred to as a value added tax ] and by the liberalization of import controls in the agricultural sector [ see p. 36800 ] .
10 This data is incorporated in publicizing of the unit and its work ; in articles , meetings with other professional groups and in a display on the wall of the head 's office-cum staffroom where it is often referred to in the course of interviews with parents and pupils .
11 For example , candidates often write the number identifying the question in small figures close to the inner corner of the page , where it is often concealed by the way the examination book is bound .
12 somewhere in Mexico , the central part of it where it 's still falling to bits and
13 In 1972 , 166 was donated to the National Tramway Museum , where it was beautifully restored to its original condition .
14 Modesty has settled on the organ of conviction ; where it was never meant to be .
15 Fond memories of Jerry Lee Lewis who blew up a storm of indignation in the 1950s , not to mention Presley , whose subversive pelvis was banned from television in some American states where it was only permitted to film Elvis-the-Pelvis from the waist upwards .
16 If the aim of judicial review is seen as being only the protection of individuals ( whether people or organizations ) , this would suggest and justify standing rules which require the applicant to show that he , she or it is specially affected by what has been done or decided .
17 Much of the writing on family law lacks any stated theoretical position , although it is generally underpinned by a welfare approach .
18 Although it is generally aimed at specific styles of mineralisation a wide range of elements are determined and a variety of techniques used .
19 A great deal could be written on the contrast between Chaucer and Gower reflected here : one might note , for instance , that incest plays a relatively small part in the tale of Appollonius , and that it is hardly condoned in the Canace and Machaire story of Gower although it is romantically treated in a tragic and sympathetic manner .
20 It is uncertain whether neuroleptic medication is protective against the effects of life events , although it is well accepted to be protective against high emotional arousal .
21 Although it is well established from modern observations that the methane content of the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of 1.7 per cent per year , about 600 billion kg , accurate measurements go back only 15 years .
22 The post-experience pattern has emerged chiefly in the management and administrative fields , although it is also found in teaching ( in post-school education and the proposed ‘ licensed teacher ’ scheme ) and some other service professions ( for example , voluntary social work experience is often a requirement for admission to social work courses ) .
23 Where the technique was first practised is unknown , although it is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin , although there are accounts of it being used in India around 550 BC .
24 In horses , its prevalence is difficult to establish since infections rarely become patent although it is frequently incriminated as a cause of chronic coughing .
25 If a person intends doing someone harm , it can not be assumed that s/he displays a disdain towards humanity , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim .
26 The statement that " these two chemicals , when mixed together , literally explode " , is , quite simply , false , although it is regularly repeated throughout creationist literature .
27 Oranges and other citrus fruits and fresh vegetables are a ready source of vitamin C , although it is easily lost in the process of preparation and cooking .
28 IRPC 's Personal Legal Assistance Plan costs £70 a year , although it is shortly to rise to £80 .
29 The laboratory has no money to pick up Charles Brown 's project , should AIDS arrive here with a vengeance , although it is currently collaborating with Speywood to adapt its conventional purification technology to human blood .
30 Once complete , Fujitsu could negotiate a marketing deal for the technology , although it is currently occupied by its own Sparc-based parallel processing effort — see page two .
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