Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adj] for him " in BNC.

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1 if the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop in order to avoid an accident- or
2 Second , even where this is the case , no warranty is implied if the circumstances show that the buyer does not rely , or it is unreasonable for him to rely , on the skill or judgment of the seller in deciding whether or not the goods are in fact suitable for that purpose .
3 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
4 What we have said what members have already resolved is that they do not believe that it is necessary for him to intervene .
5 But as Winch points out , Mill 's assumption separates the person who acts from the world in which he acts , hence , in order for a person to act morally , he has to be shown that it is worthwhile for him to act morally .
6 Winch 's criticism of this way of looking at morality , as we have shown , is that it separates the person who acts from the world in which he acts , and a man has to be shown that it is worthwhile for him to act morally .
7 whether or not that is a purpose for which such goods are commonly supplied , except where the circumstances show that the buyer does not rely , or that it is unreasonable for him to rely , on the skill or judgment of the seller … ’
8 ( j ) The implied obligation of fitness for purpose The implied condition of merchantability is supplemented by the fitness for purpose provision found in s14(3) of SGA 1979 which provides : ( 3 ) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business and the buyer , expressly or by implication , makes known ( a ) to the seller , or ( b ) where the purchase price or part of it is payable by instalments and the goods were previously sold by a credit-broker to the seller , to that credit-broker , any particular purpose for which the goods are being bought , there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are reasonably fit for that purpose , whether or not that is a purpose for which such goods are commonly supplied , except where the circumstances show that the buyer does not rely , or that it is unreasonable for him to rely , on the skill or judgment of the seller and credit-broker .
9 This means for the neighbourhood man , the man on the beat , that it is difficult for him to keep a low profile .
10 I suppose you could say David had it so often that it be nice for him to get it .
11 Under this enforced regimen of quiet and rest , he came to understand that it was necessary for him to retire a little from the active life in which he had previously been engaged ; he told William Turner Levy that he would have to learn to concentrate his time and energy upon his real work .
12 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
13 He told himself that it was ridiculous for him to be nearly trembling with fear , wondering what form her explosion would take .
14 Wagner began to assume in his mind a heroic , aesthetic , Schopenhauerian status , so that it was natural for him to couple the two even before he had any reason to suppose that Wagner was at all interested in the philosopher .
15 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
16 Well , my Lord , the plaintiff 's case would be that had the solicitor ascertained from the plaintiff that it was alright for him to just check with the bank this could easily have been done , and if the bank had given authority by the plaintiff for .
17 Conradin loved it , but the aunt said that it was bad for him .
18 It was n't easy for him , having to accept that God permitted chance , any more than it was easy for him to be a clergyman in a time when clergymen seemed superfluous .
19 and he used to come home looking as white as a sheet sick to the teeth and he used to just go to bed and collapse in a heap , he is n't strong enough to do it and it 's pointless for him to try but other than that he can do anything he fancies .
20 This means that the worst score a Forest Goblin can get on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart is 2 ( ‘ I fink I 'm gon na … ’ ) and it is impossible for him to ‘ Eadbang .
21 He argues that bad garages drive out good ones because the typical customer can not judge whether a service has been done properly , and it is difficult for him to check .
22 Soon she was leaving and it was easy for him to be charming .
23 I realized what a marvellous actor he was when I saw him in this and only wished that he had n't relied so much on the funny voices and hidden behind the easier way out of doing the characters that he could do so easily — and it was easy for him .
24 Law supported the offer to Asquith , and it was logical for him to do so ; a government bent on post-war reconstruct on and resistance to Labour would be strengthened by Asquith 's presence .
25 Moreover , he himself had loyalties of his own to preserve , and it was well for him that he should not know too much .
26 He was not actually hungry , and it was rare for him to drink , but they were paying and he would make sure they noticed , and — apart from the singer — the Khan Murjan was a hell of a fabulous place .
27 Kisling , Lipchitz , Utrillo , all his friends were selling and it was bitter for him to realize that his work was not yet marketable , not to the public taste .
28 His hands were shaking , and it was hard for him to stand in the terrible screaming wind .
29 These will involve their giving notice to the tenant and his being able to withhold consent if it is reasonable for him to do so .
30 If it 's appropriate for him to sit down there with the project manager , then we have n't got a problem .
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