Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Try to keep me away , ’ he had whispered , ‘ although it is exquisite torture for me these days , my dear McAllister , to have you so near , and be unable to stroke every bit of your delectable body .
2 Numbers — Although it 's good fun for three or more people to abseil down a rope at the same time , normally no more than two should be attached to the same descendeur .
3 Does the Prime Minister agree with the proposition that it is entirely sensible for a Government to borrow prudently in order to fund capital investment to build economic recovery but that it is sheer folly for a Government to borrow in order to buy votes for an election ?
4 This suggests that it is general practice for the courts to admit evidence of intoxication as a defence to the charge where this negatives the requisite mens rea .
5 Firstly , although referral patterns will reflect individual practice , continued use of dilatation and curettage by gynaecologists reinforces the notion for general practitioners and patients that it is appropriate treatment for menstrual irregularity in women under 40 .
6 In this sense , Kant argues , ‘ the dog can not judge ’ , which does not mean that it is fair game for any purpose we might devise .
7 Yes , yes , that 's right , they use , yeah , but I insisted that it were open doors for you as jobs were so hard to get , I said it were open doors for you and it did it helped them both .
8 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
9 They moved again , pulling away , but Floy and Snodgrass could see that it was hard work for them .
10 I have been preaching a few times and invitations are coming in , so it is good experience for me .
11 The cost of recharging the Super Dustbuster is minimal : it uses less than half the amount of electricity used by a light bulb , so it 's good value for money as well as being environmentally friendly .
12 Tom would n't wear rain gear because he could n't find a set to really fit his 6ft 3in frame , so it was hard work for me to keep him dry .
13 And it 's ridiculous C for cat so you 'd think it 's going to be C for kitten would n't you .
14 ‘ However , it does give you a huge personal lift and it is great recognition for the work you do . ’
15 It is good news for jobs and it is good news for the town .
16 We are already halfway through a Bill which is a major step forward in that respect , and it is breath-taking nonsense for the hon. Gentlemen to suggest that Labour authorities were pioneers in the provision of better services to their constituents .
17 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
18 ‘ As for value for money , it was n't per se my main concern but reorienting it from an activity-based approach of what the cost of something was to VFM in terms of delivery to the patient — evaluating what we were doing well in the sense you or I as doctor-patient would expect , the outcomes of value to the patient , establishing how much it costs to deliver ( something we could n't do but are better at now ) and then asking if it is reasonable value for money or , more interestingly , why it is cheaper in one place than another , benchmarking it . ’
19 But if it is bad news for borrowers , investors have never had it so good .
20 for which one it shows I 'm afraid , my I ask for er if it 's required certificate for counsel maybe required for taxation later on .
21 Rostov thought about Alexei 's behaviour and wondered if it was human nature for sons to hate their fathers , even when they did not know them very well .
22 But it is good news for the insurance fraternity : the US government , which owns the satellite , did not bother to take out insurance on it .
23 But it is good practice for the tenant 's adviser to ensure that a right of entry is expressly conditional on the landlord making good any damage caused by his entry .
24 But it is different strokes for different folks .
25 But it was , but it 's good news for Oxfordshire is n't it — Nigel back to Williams .
26 That will spare Italy 's World Cup blushes — but it 's bad news for Scotland , their next opponents , who will now have to face him at Ibrox on November 18 .
27 Well , it was a rather dull start in the south of the area , but it was unbroken sunshine for Fife and Central regions .
28 This was not that event , but it was good practise for it .
29 The boundaries may have been short , with netting to protect the club 's offices , but it was worthwhile practice for Smith , and a glimpse of warmer times ahead for a remarkable crowd ; there were about 100 well wrapped-up diehards , one of whom plonked himself in a red deckchair on the outfield , dangerously at midwicket .
30 Gary McKeown slanted over an inviting ball , but it was criminal negligence for the visitors to allow Gary Paterson the time and space to chest the ball down before burying it in the net .
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