Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Where it is hoped to offer the target 's shareholders " roll-over " or " hold-over " relief on a securities exchange , the bidder will usually find it desirable to obtain advance clearance from the Inland Revenue ( see para below ) .
2 Where it is required to find the inverse Laplace transform of a function G(s) which may be expressed as the ratio of two polynomials , the problem is readily solved if the function can be split into partial fractions .
3 But before it can become law , the bill needs to be approved by the Senate , where it is expected to become the target of pro-hunting amendments .
4 Where it 's going to cut the axes .
5 Although it is intended to protect the film and record industries , the Bill outlaws all cassette recorders used for home computing , because they can also be used to tape music .
6 Better that it 's used to revamp the old chestnut about ‘ how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb ? ’ in the form of ‘ how many reissues does it take to relaunch a band 's career ? ’
7 I think my relationship is a fairly normal one , but I do find myself bending over backwards not to erm use any of the sort of additional knowledge I have of education , and if there are things going on that perhaps I think that there might be better ways of doing it , then I bend over backwards not to give that kind of impression or to suggest it at all , because it seems to me that it 's going to make the relationship with the school or with the teachers erm a rather awkward one , and I do n't think it will good for my children .
8 The US maintains that it supports the OAS charter , that it is acting to protect the integrity of the Panama Canal treaties , and that Latin America has no cause to fear that the invasion of Panama will be used as a precedent .
9 Legislation has in fact been issued under general treaty powers which expressly states that it is intended to implement the Social Charter , such as Directive 91/533 on contracts of employment , which , since it was made under Article 100 which requires unanimity in the Council , must at the least not have been opposed by the United Kingdom minister .
10 One important part of the citizens charter is not so much that it contains many individual ideas and proposals for change , but that it is intended to change the entire attitude of public servants and the way in which citizens approach them .
11 Demonstrating that it is beginning to get the hang of the personal computer mass market , IBM Corp 's Personal Computer Co yesterday announced three new 80486-based lines in its PS/ValuePoint family , in 40 different configurations — and the difference between the three models is not the processor — anything from a 25MHz 80486SX to a 66MHz 80486DX2 , but the size of the box .
12 But the committee has denied that it is attempting to influence the outcome of the election .
13 Er much reference has already been made to this er golden corridor between Leeds a and York and I I really fail to see th that it is going to pose the the threat that some people think it will and and the analysis that we 've carried carried out has has thrown up two two figures , one in the region of twenty er a need of twenty to twenty five hectares in what describe as a northern centre based on on Tadcaster and I think we acknowledge that er we may struggle to achieve those twenty to twenty five hectares in and around Tadcaster , partly because of greenbelt constraint and and partly because of other constraints .
14 After several years of shake-outs and restructuring , the home computer market remains substantial — games software sales in Europe last year were worth about £200 million — but there is little sign that it is going to scoop the true potential of the consumer market .
15 Introducing research into the curriculum is justifiable provided that it is used to expand the student 's intellectual horizons , and not because it propels students towards becoming embryonic researchers .
16 It is only when we put to it the rude experimental question " where are you ? " that it is forced to make the sharp choice between those two possibilities .
17 That is , just as cognitive synthesis is required to make sense of the input from the visual cortex , so it is needed to comprehend the intense emotions being offered to the cortex by overstimulated midbrain limbic structures .
18 The officers in the merchant bank , who know of the proposed take-over , and whose knowledge is itself unpublished price sensitive information , may deal , or counsel , or procure others to deal , provided it is done to facilitate the completion or carrying out of the transaction , that is , the bid .
19 Therefore any contractual clause exempting from the provisions of sections 13–15 will be effective provided it is shown to satisfy the requirement of reasonableness in the Unfair Contract Terms Act ( see paragraph 10–14 onwards ) .
20 The British Goverenemnt wants all ferries to be updated by 1993 and it 's trying to persuade the rest of the world to agree , but the families say its taking too long .
21 And it 's trying to pull the planets in , Lee , but other stars are pulling them and stopping them falling into the sun .
22 It will go on sale at Christmas , and it 's hoped to use the release to boost tourism in the city .
23 Well it 's never going to go straight and it 's going to put the whole lot out is n't it ?
24 It 's hard and it 's long and it 's going to separate the men from the boys . ’
25 It began as a homebased outfit called Lentils For Dubrovnik , but ten lorryloads later it 's become a highly sophisticated collection and distribution network … and it 's threatening to engulf the organisation .
26 ‘ It is a long , demanding test and it is bound to favour the long hitters . ’
27 The Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester is trying to shake off its persistent image of being just too highbrow for words and it is striving to show the general public that they might actually enjoy some of the things that go on there .
28 These communities currently receive a service from a rural mobile library , and it is intended to enhance the level of service until alternative service provision is made available .
29 Five more buoys are due to be placed by the end of the year and it is planned to expand the system to the Baltic and Barents seas , which now have one buoy each .
30 Plans for VT229 to include its restoration to flying condition and it is hoped to display the aircraft in the colours of a wartime F.3 .
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