Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] [adv] [that] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Let us pretend that it is only that Grainne is too far above me , and let us continue the pretence , for I do not think I can bear it any other way .
2 You do n't need a Regional Authority all the way across the country all at once and you can actually bring a Regional Authority in , and it 's certainly that Scotland should have its own Parliament .
3 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
4 The ‘ Second ’ Prokofiev Sonata comes first on the disc — in its original guide as a flute sonata it dies predate the First Sonata — and it is here that Hardy and Devos really distinguish themselves .
5 Crow Road is also a dingily respectable thoroughfare in Glasgow , and it is there that Prentice beds his uncle 's former lover , his own ‘ Aunty ’ Janice .
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