Example sentences of "[conj] it [was/were] good to be " in BNC.

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1 One gets the feeling from Warnie 's diary , for example , that it was better to be a good Inkling than a good poet , or even a good man .
2 Since Raymond-Berengar was married to the been of Aragon and ruled that kingdom in his wife 's name , he might have taken the title of king , but refused to do so , saying that it was better to be known as the greatest count rather than the seventh greatest king .
3 She knew that there were several personal matters about her that could arouse the man , and that it was better to be cautious .
4 He thought that it was good to be down-to-earth and scientific .
5 But he said he reckoned they probably shot a bit wide , and anyway the officers would see that they tried , and it was better to be shot by the other side rather than your own .
6 Perhaps he had a point there , and it was better to be safe than sorry .
7 Public interest in athletics was growing all the time and it was good to be coming through while that was happening .
8 It was a nice morning and it was good to be able to get out of the barracks and just run ; it became immediately apparent that there were some who were fitter than others , and the Corporals ran at the back encouraging the slow ones .
9 She was unlike the girl she 'd been or the women he 'd known since ; she had a rare energy , and it was good to be near .
10 Knowing Barney 's standards of morality , she wondered if she was being wise , but it was best to be honest .
11 I would have come to it all in due course , but it was good to be hastened .
12 So much for the scenery , but it was good to be back .
13 It seemed unlikely they would have placed a bomb so close to Livingstone Manor , but it was better to be sure than dead .
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