Example sentences of "[conj] it [was/were] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 that intrigued me because it did n't seem to me that it was to be eligible
2 Over a five-year period Kiselev transformed the administration of the lands between the Pruth and the Danube to such an extent that it was to be hard , thereafter , for the sultan or outsiders to prevent the eventual emergence of an independent Romania .
3 We had another seven years of rationing to come , though we did n't know it , and it was to be many years before things returned to normal , but the war was over .
4 Without a base , then , Mario had only his private ambitions to fulfil , and it was to be some years before he did .
5 LONDON , when John Cranko arrived , was suffering the after-effects of an exhausting war , and it was to be several years before the restrictions and shortages were overcome .
6 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
7 Mozart , then between 14 and 17 , was still very much under his father 's thumb and it was to be another eight years before he broke free from Salzburg , settled in Vienna and married Constanze Weber .
8 that I have downstairs , because it 's , if it was to be computerized , it would be a massive great bloody great volume
9 Clearly , if it was to be successful in redistributing work , those who controlled the market should be excluded completely or relatively .
10 for Maxse , Bridgeman , and the great majority of Conservatives between 1906 and 1910 , the party , if it was to be popular , needed to embrace tariff reform and the gamut of policies with which it was linked , such as social reform and land reform .
11 Hilary Wainwright did begin to raise such questions in stating that truly radical television would have to address the needs of its audience if it was to be able to ‘ imagine the real messy , [ business of socialism ] ’ .
12 The GREY program has automatic intensity adjustment and if it were to be useful would need to be modified to provide a user override , at least during development of the measuring technique .
13 Must not theology , if it were to be possible at all , be established from the other side , by God himself — by the God who makes himself known to us in Jesus Christ rather than the God whom we choose to recognise in him , a God who comes from beyond ourselves to judge , redeem and save ?
14 If it were to be successful the mental health movement would have to move away from any strong association with welfare .
15 Electrification was first mooted during the early LNER days but it was to be 1954 before the final chapter in the story of Victoria opened .
16 The aftermath is seen , but it was to be several days before the damaged locomotive could be removed .
17 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
18 But it was to be another 20 years before the changes had marked effect .
19 I suppose if the doctor had got his diagnosis right , then I would have had to go to hospital but it was to be another ten years before I was sent to such a place .
20 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
21 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
22 Science was being taught in public schools and in grammar schools , and there were courses in universities , which in Britain began at about this time to catch on — this was the era when the great municipal universities started to flourish , though it was to be some time before they received government grants .
23 In a sense I suppose , er what DeKlerk 's government has demonstrated is that they are trying as it were to be impartial and not allow political considerations to influence their judgement about whether Mrs Mandela should go on trial .
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