Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the week 's end the proctologist was saying that it had been the best goddamned vacation he had ever taken , and as we passed the bunkering moorings near McIllvanney 's yard I saw him take Ellen aside and I guessed he was offering her a job .
2 A second independent miners ' congress , held in Donetsk ( Ukraine ) , ended with a declaration on Oct. 26 that it had been the founding congress of an independent miners ' trade union .
3 There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain .
4 Unfortunately it seems that it has been the agricultural ministry which has won the debate , and Britain is merely tinkering with the problem .
5 To say that it has been the poorer for it is not to denigrate the work that was done .
6 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
7 It is not clear however that it has been the stronger adversary which has done so , rather than a weaker party with its back to the wall .
8 what I most often heard when I phoned people a couple of days in was that it 's been the worst two days of my life !
9 Her step was much lighter than it had been the previous day , but when she saw that her inquisitor was n't the Obersturmfuhrer , her heart sank .
10 My wife and I waited over an hour for our meal last night and it 's been the same throughout our stay . ’
11 The board bent over backwards to help me raise funds for players and it 's been the same for Nigel Best .
12 The female ‘ imaginary ’ which is often counterposed to the phallic code of the symbolic , belongs in history and culture as closely as the law of the father , and it has been the self-elected quest of women 's art to elucidate the character of that interaction , participation and combination .
13 If it had been the following week with school holidays but I , I do think you 'd be very tired the next day .
14 I knew if it had been the other way round , if it was Robert I had to ask , he would have said , ‘ On yer bike . ’ ’
15 ‘ Richard Cawston 's film could not have had a better critical reception if it had been the combined work of Eisenstein , Hitchcock and Fellini , ’ wrote the critic in the Evening Standard .
16 The polished wood floor , the scattered rugs , the furniture , it looked as if it had been the same for years , yet Kate could see the newness of the sofas , the curtains .
17 ‘ What if it had been the wrong house ? ’
18 We 're passed that now we 're trying to give people more direction , get them involved er this is the first year we 've able to do it in a sense , properly cos it 's been the first year , with all due respect to all the work you 've done in the past , we 've got five year tutors .
19 She had told no one at all but it had been the great dream of her life to go to Spain , the real Spain .
20 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
21 But it had been the easiest of the three days .
22 Some mental quirk had had her jumping — wham , bam ! — to an instinctive conclusion , but it had been the wrong conclusion .
23 But it had been the older sister he had gone there with , and had apparently abandoned in favour of the younger , more exciting girl .
24 but it 's been the old nut crackers
25 But it 's been the same all season — we 've asked too much of too few . ’
26 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
27 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
28 It was all there , just as it had been the previous night : the exhilaration , the mounting excitement , the warm , wonderful sensation of not being isolated and lonely .
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