Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , it 's turned out not so badly , he thought , although it 's been a rough ride .
2 Cabinet members were tight-lipped and unsmiling as they emerged from Downing Street , but MPs were convinced that it had been a stormy session , with ministers bitterly fighting their corners in what has been described as the most stringent public spending round for years .
3 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
4 It was just bad luck for the second man that it had been a good place .
5 Paula Kahn , chairman and chief executive of Longman Group , commented that it had been a good year for Longman ‘ despite the impact of the recession in some of our key markets around the world , particularly our ELT markets in Europe ’ .
6 The Downing Street line on the Home Office incident was that it had been a junior official who had gone through the files to help answer journalists ' inquiries about Clinton , not to help the Bush Administration .
7 Even though she had only had time to glimpse the devastation that had been wrought , she knew that it had been a professional job , carried out by men who would leave no trace behind them .
8 He ascertained that it had been a normal birth , but that terrible injuries had been inflicted on the poor child soon afterwards .
9 Bush hailed the verdict as a " victory against the drug lords " but Noriega 's chief attorney Frank Rubino , promising lengthy appeals , stated that it had been a political case ; the defence had effectively been prevented from treating it as such , and the judge had instructed the jury on April 3 not to consider any political aspects of the case .
10 They both drank , conscious that it had been a long afternoon , and Shelley at least was thirsty .
11 Kerr reported on the visit at the July meeting of the Council , drawing attention to ‘ the adverse criticisms contained in this report ’ , emphasizing that it had been a strong visiting party , and that it had reached its conclusions unanimously .
12 Both managers agreed that it had been a classic Cup tie .
13 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
14 Helen asked no questions about Chris , only saying that it had been a lovely evening and Moira was still talking about the tinned peaches and jelly .
15 Only one company questioned , who insisted on complete anonymity , had taken on an ex-headhunter into a position it had been seeking to fill , and admitted that it had been a disastrous mistake .
16 The verdict of the clerk to the select committee of 1824 which reviewed it was that it had been a dead letter so far as " those artisans on whom it was intended to have an effect " , namely printers , tailors , shoe makers and shipbuilders in London who continued " their regular societies and houses of call as though no such act were in existence " .
17 they did not think that it had been a whole school effort ;
18 Coun Vera Moody told Langbaurgh 's planning committee that it had been a long-standing problem with young people congregating in the shopping parade .
19 Although by now they were rather subdued , they had apparently acquitted themselves quite satisfactorily , and all three said , without going into details , that it had been a wonderful , albeit expensive , experience .
20 All that it takes is a little push , some minor inconvenience , a trifling price to pay for faith , some obligation or embarrassment involved in being a Christian , and suddenly a trail of doubts bubbles to the surface : ‘ Maybe after all …
21 It 's hard to believe that the first meeting of the Galway Races took place at Ballybrit Race Course in 1869 ; and it immediately so fired the public imagination that it has been a major fixture on the Irish racing calendar ever since .
22 However , we feel that it has been a worthwhile investment , and one which we plan to extend next year .
23 When anyone suggests , as people will , that they have done a great thing for Anna , Tony and Christine are quick to reply that it has been a great thing , also , for them .
24 People not familiar with Cheltenham often assume that it has been a large bustling town for a long time .
25 Er , can I say that it 's been a great pleasure coming er , to you and to say that erm that there 's far more to say , of course , about Canberra er , but I hope that that taster will help you to try and appreciate what went on there .
26 De Niro does n't seem particularly keen to discuss his reasons for wanting to run a restaurant , and will only say that it 's been a vague dream of his for a while .
27 Dane Jacobsen was one of the best known and most accomplished actors of his generation , so it had been a real coup for the tiny television station to secure his services for a drama serial on the Vikings , to be shot in Cumbria .
28 Just as fate had been unkind in many ways to those Titfords who had stayed in Frome throughout the 18th century , so it had been a firm friend to the descendants of William the Emigrant after his arrival in Kent .
29 Just as Japan , a country dependent for 60% of its energy on oil , was a major sufferer when prices doubled in the second oil shock of 1979 , so it has been a major beneficiary of the subsequent fall in crude prices .
30 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
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