Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the adverb well in He speaks well of you may be equivalent to an adverb in French Il a très bien parlé de vous or it may be the equivalent of a noun , Il a dit du bien de vous .
2 The faith may be the product of conditioning , or it may be the fruit of symbolic bedazzlement , but in neither case is it in any significant degree the work of reason , judgement , or active participation in the processes of rule .
3 In such markets , direct selling or control of agents or distributors might be impractical , or it may be the case that import duties or other non-tariff barriers might present obstacles to exporters .
4 2 In phonology , the head is that part of a word group which either beings with the stressed syllable of the first accented word , not being the nucleus , and which ends with the syllable immediately preceding the nucleus ; or it may be the pitch pattern associated with that part of a word group .
5 It may be the choice of words or it may be the respect that is accorded to the disapprover .
6 You 'd best remember that , or it 'll be the auction block for you pretty swiftly . ’
7 Or it might be the breaking of an oath or the refusal to accept the decrees of Rome , as with King John .
8 Or it might be the weapon of Goliath himself , used by governments in the exercise of power .
9 Or it can be the pleasure of saying things to other people through how you look : about individuality , politics , creativity , aggression , sense of humour , daring .
10 Or it could be the beginning of justice and the end of administering the law , because , how much of what goes on in court is actually administering the law , rather than determining natural justice .
11 A fund could therefore be a photocopying unit in County Hall , it could be County Hall itself ( i.e. the administration of the County Council ) , or it could be the whole of the education service .
12 Or it could be the Brownie whose egg is in the best condition .
13 Or it could be the boy going down through the field and scaring them .
14 Or it could be the computer in the corner that keeps us awake .
15 The result of this hunger could simply be that opera houses survive the dog days of Thatcherism with full houses for Carmen etc. , or it could be the creation of new works that express and mirror the social and political needs of our culture in opera 's emotive language .
16 The core and mantle could be the result of heterogeneous formation , iron first then the silicates , or it could be the result of homogeneous formation with the Mercurian interior becoming sufficiently hot for differentiation to subsequently occur .
17 Of course , this is open to interpretation : for example , it may suggest a limited awareness of care programming and the paying of lip-service to the idea , or it could be the result of thorough consideration of what care programming could offer existing services and the conclusion that it is solely a matter for health authorities ' concern .
18 Or it could be the Saturday
19 Or it could be the Saturday after that one .
20 I mean it could be or it could be the reason why er why younger not
21 A wall-painting of c .1160 in the chapel of St Anselm [ q.v. ] at Canterbury Cathedral , which shows St Paul bitten by a viper on the island of Malta , has been attributed to Hugo , although it may be the work of a follower .
22 Although married Anglican priests have been accepted into the Catholic priesthood , no precedent exists for a bishop , ‘ although it may be the price humility demands ’ .
23 Thus although it may be the case that communicative demands result in error because the learner does not have enough time to access second language systemic knowledge , equally they may do so because such demands quite naturally lead learners to call upon whatever resources they have at their disposal , some of which will be drawn from their own language .
24 It is a question of fact in every case whether the number of people affected will constitute ‘ a class of Her Majesty 's subjects ’ , but Lord Denning provides some guidance , saying ‘ A public nuisance is a nuisance which is so widespread in range and so indiscriminate in its effect that it would not be reasonable to expect one person to take proceedings on his own responsibility to put a stop to it , but that it would be the responsibility of the community at large ’ .
25 Had she thought , though , that it would be the man she was there to meet , then Fabia would have been disappointed .
26 Brutus says that it would be the public who would see the effects of this sudden change of personality .
27 ‘ I 'm going to open the door , ’ said Sam , striding forward , since her hope that it would be the boy from the bistro was greater than her fear of retribution .
28 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
29 Although which river had been kept secret from Trent , he was certain that it would be the north fork of the Belpan where a bend would hide them from the road bridge .
30 Mr. Philipson addressed an impassioned argument that it would be quite wrong for the court to vary the injunction at the behest of the defendants , seeing that they had flouted Morland J. 's order , as a result of which the documents had come into the hands of the Federal Reserve Board , who had in turn passed the information to the Bank of England ; and that it would be the antithesis of justice that the consequence of this misconduct should be the discharge of the very injunction which had been designed to protect the plaintiffs from these consequences .
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