Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] often [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This separation is a useful distinction , although it is often difficult to make in practice .
2 The people you mix with — friends and enemies ; the fact that it 's often tough to tell them apart .
3 Its cause is uncertain — it is also found even if we do not eat then — but it means that it is often possible to catch up on lost sleep by taking a nap at this time .
4 Repeating searches from Okapi logs , we found , not surprisingly , that it is often possible to obtain additional relevant records which would not otherwise have been found .
5 Although the Yerkes-Dodson law provides an additional prediction which can be tested , it suffers firstly from the problem that it is often impossible to define task difficulty a priori and secondly that even when this is done successfully it is very hard to be sure that task difficulty does not itself affect arousal .
6 The snag with this is that it is often impossible to avoid the triggering events altogether and in any case it might be better to face them squarely and control your reactions to the events rather than the events themselves .
7 Another practical problem is that ‘ global ’ ( organisation-wide ) data analysis may be so costly and time-consuming that it is often preferable to carry out entity analysis at a ‘ local ’ level , such as the marketing area .
8 One of the nicest things about walking around coastline peninsulas is that it is often easy to stick to the coastline without doubling back on yourself at the end .
9 Experience shows that it is often difficult to assess the extent of exposure to light that samples receive in the market and hence to estimate the degree of exaggeration or acceleration that any one test gives .
10 It should be noted that it is often difficult to compare different recognition systems as they are reported because differences in input data and equipment can affect performance .
11 The receipt of such a bonus has an effect far outside the regular annual rise , which again in the case of ICI is a matter of such Byzantine complexity that it is often difficult to know whether one is getting a good or a bad one !
12 The Commission points out that it is often difficult to attribute responsibility , especially when damage is the cumulative result of activities undertaken by many parties .
13 A major problem with the operation of restrictive practices legislation is that it is often difficult to capture secret or verbal agreements between firms .
14 Native speakers do not recognise this , but foreign learners of English notice that it is often difficult to hear the unstressed parts of a word in ordinary speech .
15 It must be remembered that it is often difficult to get people to express themselves freely , that there is a tendency in any survey for interviewees to say what they think they are expected to say , and that individuals frequently find it hard to express subjective views on an aspect of their life which they might never have consciously considered before .
16 The problem is that it is often difficult to determine how long an individual has been drinking .
17 This brief examination of the inter-relationships between family , migration and urbanization should serve to illustrate the point that it is often difficult to establish any clear pattern of causation .
18 Be aware of the proper treatment as it is now possible to halve the mortality so that it is often inappropriate to leave people at home .
19 We have seen that it was often difficult to isolate the various sub-domains condensed and subsumed under the general categories of morality and immorality .
20 And Mr Malik , who generally left the school , adopted such a histrionic attitude that it was often difficult to tell whether he was praising God or auditioning for him .
21 Thus an observed value ( Y ) can be modelled ( see Section 4.3 ) as and it is often useful to isolate these components .
22 There should be a decent gap between the columns and it is often useful to place a vertical line in the middle of this gap , so physically preventing the eye straying from one to the other .
23 Machine detergents : Comparative costing is a little more difficult as two or more chemicals are involved , such as detergent and rinse additive , and it is often necessary to compare powders with liquids .
24 Many aspects of the site , including dating , are revealed by its finds , and it is often necessary to compare finds with those discovered elsewhere .
25 Of course , this is a very simple case , and it is often necessary to consider many more AOs and MOs .
26 The term ‘ rich ’ implies that the pictures should contain a wealth of information relevant to the study ; however , trying to include too much detail can result in them becoming extremely cluttered , and it is often necessary to summarise the detail ( using the interview analysis technique if required ) and redraw them as the study progresses .
27 They seem built into human nature and it is often impossible to imagine a society without them .
28 For example ‘ the ’ is signalled by two fingers placed together in the shape of a T , touching the ear indicates ‘ sounds like ’ , patting your hand on your head means ‘ name ’ , and it is often helpful to indicate the number of words by fingers .
29 This can still be done , old components can still be obtained and it is often possible to restore 50/60 year old , or even older , wireless sets to their former glory .
30 After symptoms of infection have disappeared , the virus may stay around the body for some considerable time , and it is often possible to grow it as long as one year after the infection has taken place .
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