Example sentences of "[conj] to [Wh det] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The question as to what is involved in the marriage relationship deserves a study in itself .
2 It is then not so much the distinction between names and descriptions as the distinction between the function of naming and the function of describing that gives some indication as to what is involved in positing something as an ontological existent .
3 These however are directives as to what is likely to be the right action ; the actually right action is that which will actually , not merely probably , have the best consequences .
4 Lord Hailsham and Lord Denning have not been alone in their views as to what is wrong with the established constitution and what kind of new constitutional settlement is needed .
5 It must also be appreciated that the amendments suggested in this book represent my opinion as to what is advisable in the tenant 's best interests .
6 the thing might even begin to connect in the individuals mind er as to what 's involved with the bearing .
7 The realistic appraisal by working class wives as to what was possible on a fixed budget was also shown in a study of savings conducted by Mass Observation during World War II .
8 Rules were laid down as to what was acceptable on the fairways .
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