Example sentences of "[conj] that we [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing has happened today , except that we have come to a sort of agreement about exercise .
2 For how many years have we been told it 's tax payers ' money do you remember Maggie and the tax payers ' money , it 's like this animal somewhere called the tax payer but it came out of the wall as if we were n't one of them and that we had to look after the tax payers ' money .
3 So too with the body clock : it might be that several outputs with different periods are possible and that we tend to concentrate upon the daily or circadian clock because this is the period that is most useful to the organism and which has naturally been accentuated by the environment with its 24-hour period .
4 It clearly substantiates this Government 's commitment to ensuring that we maintain a national health service that is the envy of the world and that we continue to improve upon it .
5 ‘ But the style of rugby I saw in August over there , and that we have seen on their tour of France and England , indicates that before very long the Springboks will be up there with the best .
6 Er , it 's not a funding system that er that we would choose to work under , we would want to keep the rents as low as possible er , but it 's one that 's set by central government through the housing corporation and that we have to live with .
7 My right hon. Friend will agree that those questions must be answered and that we have to get to the very heart of the scandal to ensure that it should not happen again , not only in Leicestershire but elsewhere , and those responsible for the cover-up are made to realise what they have done and the subsequent effect it has had on numerous children .
8 Labour knows , and the long faces around the hon. Gentleman confirm , that the council tax is a winner and that we have found in three months the solution that has eluded Labour for three years .
9 We simply had to tell Mazzin that his treatment of us and particularly of Frank was unacceptable to us and that we wanted to speak to his chef .
10 But that we become committed to it as the way to save the country and the peace appears to me full of dangers . ’
11 I told him that we had but that we 'd talked about it with them and now things seemed all right .
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