Example sentences of "[conj] that she could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She had never learned to read , either , and on the very rare occasions she received a letter Christine was called in to read it to her , Miss Miggs being careful to explain that her eyes were n't as good as they used to be or that she could n't find her glasses .
2 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
3 Except that she could still see Julius in every drawing .
4 Now it did not even strike her as odd or ungracious that Jenny , after their long separation , should have no time for questions or interest about her sojourn in America or her journey home , and that she could not control her own unhappiness for the sake of welcoming back her sister .
5 She felt as if she never wanted to go back into the house , as if it had tied her with a million cobweb fine lines , as the Lilliputians had trapped Gulliver , and that she could not get free .
6 In spite of her shaking legs , of the heat swamping up from her stomach , of the overwhelming desire to throw caution to the winds and not think about anything else , she was also conscious of the fact that if she gave in , went out with Karl , Uncle Willi would be unbearably hurt , and that she could n't cope with .
7 It would be easy to tell him the truth but that would mean throwing Dana to the wolves , and that she could n't do .
8 And that she could n't stop thinking about him now was infuriating , never mind that the thoughts were angry ones and not the sloppy , sentimental stuff that had made her weep the first few nights after she 'd left Rome .
9 She kept phoning me up to tell me about Crowded House tickets and that she could n't get any .
10 Miguel had been watching her , and she realised that she had been talking far too freely , and that she could n't see what he was thinking because of those dark glasses .
11 The bodice is quite small , but it 's actually not as , you read about eighteen inch waists , I mean this is nowhere near an eighteen inch waist , and although she would have worn corsets , she obviously did n't wear , you can see there , so much corseting that she could n't move , and that she could n't bend down if she had to .
12 One woman , remarking on ‘ how wonderful it was , with what faith the Führer spoke ’ , was reported as saying it took just such a speech to show ‘ how faint-hearted one had become through the routine of everyday life ’ , and that she could now look to the future with confidence again .
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