Example sentences of "[conj] that he had not be " in BNC.

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1 It was only then that George Shultz , Reagan 's secretary of state , learned the president had actually signed an order authorising the arms shipments on 17 January and that he had not been consulted or told .
2 Combined with my relief that a resting-place had finally been found was satisfaction that I 'd had him with me for those first few hours and that he had not been whisked from his bed by complete strangers and reappeared , repackaged , at the crematorium a week later .
3 Against Chamberlain it was remembered that he was a Liberal Unionist ( as was Lansdowne , who led the Unionists in the Lords ) and that he had not been entirely loyal to Balfour since the referendum pledge .
4 He said the soldier told him he had been struck a glancing blow by the car , but that he had not been knocked over and afterwards had been able to continue on duty .
5 The judge found that the police had been engaged in a trick or deceit , had not acted as agents provocateurs or incited crime , had provided no market which would not have been available elsewhere , and had had grounds to suspect that each appellant had committed an offence by the time when the first sale by him was transacted , but that he had not been cautioned .
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