Example sentences of "[conj] that they [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those unit trusts which are ‘ unauthorised ’ normally owe their status to the fact either that they invest in unauthorised assets such as property or commodities , or that they are managed from an offshore location and therefore are not subject to UK regulation .
2 This suggests that ZNF11A and associated sequences either lie in close proximity to the centromere on 10q , amongst highly repetitive satellite DNA families , or that they are located on the short arm of chromosome 10 .
3 It used to be a popular theory that death-feigning animals were somehow self-hypnotised , or that they were thrown into such an acute state of shock by their tormentors that they went into an unconscious , cataleptic state , as though from a fit or seizure .
4 Simon denies that anything was said in private or that they were criticised by the coaches or management .
5 those that have n't , are less fortunate than that , there must be something either for them or that they were going to heaven was n't they ?
6 Some experts maintain that these molluscs were able to swim in the open ocean , or that they were attached to floating seaweed : some such mechanism has to be invoked to explain how these bivalves came into an environment that lacked bottom-living animals .
7 Many of these fearful criticisms of the working class centred on the feeling that they were getting above their station in life , or that they were encroaching upon previously reserved territories of the middle class .
8 There is no mention anywhere of the fact that these were brothers and sisters , nor that they were born in Frome ; that has been for us to establish later .
9 Rather like small urban AONBs except that they are designated by the local planning authority as part of their planning function .
10 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
11 So we see the two TV images , Sally 's sharp and contrasty , Harry 's dull and grey , and the backs of their heads as they converse , with their heads virtually touching except that they are divided by the split and , of course , by the distance between their apartments .
12 They were identical to 36–43 except that they were fitted with track brakes and regenerative equipment , for regular use on Anerley Hill .
13 An obvious example is the Pre-Raphaelites , who , whilst still being spurned in England , except that they were collected by , I do n't know , Manchester businessmen , spurned in London , let's say , were enormously influential in Brussels , in Paris , and in Germany and Austria .
14 For women it matters less whether they are referred to a gynaecologist or a urologist than that they are referred to someone with an interest in urinary incontinence .
15 It is more remarkable that the religious houses survived so well than that they were faced with economic problems , and if they were sometimes regarded as grasping landlords , they had little option to be anything else .
16 The diarrhoea and that they 're talking about is n't now it was when they first had him .
17 ( b ) Procedure It is of vital importance that the procedures to be adopted in the case of an expulsion are clearly and effectively laid down in the partnership agreement and that they are observed to the letter .
18 Its leaders argue they provide student unions with a national profile , training and support and that they are recognised by Government and decision-makers as a source of advice .
19 Its leaders argue they provide student unions with a national profile , training and support and that they are recognised by Government and decision-makers as a source of advice .
20 There is not much comfort for the museum in the knowledge that celebrated works are impossible to fence ; the idiosyncratic choice of stolen works strongly suggests that one buyer 's taste was being followed and that they are destined to be hidden away in a private collection , possibly in South America or Japan .
21 Everybody accepts that awards of damages in this field are necessarily conventional , and that they are based on a scale of comparative seriousness which is also conventional .
22 Developing an information set from properly-defined critical success factors will ensure that it includes all the required key performance indicators and that they are supported by the full range of internal and external , financial and non-financial information that is necessary .
23 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
24 Professional advisers who are members of drug and therapeutic committees can ensure that primary care concerns are heard and addressed and that they are informed of any changes in hospital prescribing that affect them .
25 Far from being a romantic reaction against science , this represents an effort to make people recognize that the scientific concepts which permeate our society have implications far beyond the immediate domain of their technical application , and that they are rooted in seemingly more primitive modes of thought such as story-telling .
26 The review of directors ' managerial decisions can be viewed as being motivated by a similar desire to ensure that directors exercise their powers only in accordance with the will of their constituents ( the shareholders ) and that they are subjected to the controls often associated with the Rule of Law to prevent them from using their power arbitrarily .
27 Their meaning is such that they are to be distinguished from various other " if " statements , that they have certain logical properties , and that they are entailed by independent nomic conditionals together with further premisses in a way derived from the antecedents of the latter conditionals .
28 The buyer 's concerns here are that these items be properly used and cared for by the seller , that they be used only for the purposes of the sub-contract ( ie that the seller does not use them to make goods for third parties which can then be sold by them in competition with the buyer ) , and that they be returned to him at the end of the sub-contract .
29 And as for the ensuing year , and that they be paid for the services , a sum to be determined by the N C V O Executive Committee .
30 He found now he was speaking to all the eagles in the Cages and that they were listening to him .
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