Example sentences of "[conj] that it do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 the stating of the price without making it clear , if it is the case , that it applies only to cash customers or that it does not apply to part-exchange deals or applies only in certain circumstances or does not apply in certain other circumstances ;
2 A blank suggests either that the shoe is suitable but not necessarily recommended for the purpose , or that it does not have a feature .
3 Except that it does n't work like that .
4 It is similar to the scale bar on a typewriter , except that it does not indicate the widths of the margins on each side of the typing line .
5 The first five notes of Clemens 's bass are indeed those of the plainsong eighth-tone Magnificat , but his superius is identical with that of Sermisy 's ‘ C'est une dure despartie ’ except that it does not follow Sermisy 's repeat of the first two phrases and does repeat his last phrase .
6 ‘ Conveyance ’ means any conveyance construed or adapted for the carriage of a person or persons whether by land , water or air , except that it does not include a conveyance constructed or adapted for use only under the control of a person not carried in or on it , and ‘ drive ’ shall be construed accordingly .
7 I have no regrets about the divorce — except that it did n't happen sooner .
8 The statement of 12 January 1987 was completely consistent with Zaidie 's evidence on incidents ( a ) to ( e ) , except that it did not mention a threat in connection with incident ( d ) .
9 In a climate where what is thought is less important than that it does not deviate from what it is ‘ correct ’ to think , the use of grids can illuminate the unique aspects of individual insight .
10 Najaar claims that it does not have any side-effects and that it does not affect the taste of food .
11 The criticisms have fallen into certain categories , one general line being that the service has failed to adopt modern methods of management , that it has been slow in understanding the use of statistical information and of specialized knowledge of the social services , and that it does not think ahead enough or organize its planning on a sufficiently systematic basis , in part because officials spend too much time on routine departmental work .
12 In conclusion , a smog alert system should be developed and considered very carefully before being introduced , to ensure that advice to the public is appropriate and does not cause unnecessary anxiety , that any measures proposed to reduce emissions temporarily are directed towards the most relevant sources , and that it does not weaken efforts towards longer-term reductions in air pollution .
13 What the Commission has to do now there is a new article in the Maastricht treaty is to ensure that its practice complies with it and that it does not encourage the drafting of legislation or the working out of projects on matters that can perfectly well be dealt with by member states , or even closer to the citizen , and that applies to English and French cheeses .
14 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
15 It is also important to check that the limited company has already been incorporated and that it does actually have the power to own the property .
16 I said they were to write notes on large pieces of rough paper and that it did n't matter ( I always say this now ) about spelling .
17 And that it did n't feel it when she was sort of combing it , but now I 'm actually doing that I can feel it short .
18 He came back from the loo and I had to stop myself telling him what I 'd found out and that it did n't seem silly or neurotic or hopeless or anything , but just very thoughtful and touching .
19 I am satisfied that the promise was understood by all parties only to apply under the conditions prevailing at the time when it was made , namely , when the flats were only partially let , and that it did not extend any further than that .
20 Gleizes and Metzinger stressed that Cubist painting had no specifically decorative function , and that it did not attain its full meaning only when hung on the wall at eye level .
21 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
22 They both insisted that this was very important to them and that it did not detract from their feelings towards their adoptive parents .
23 Applying these principles to the facts of this case , the central allegations were that Savory Milln knew that £23m of the sub-underwriting was being arranged through Mr Ferriday , knew that he was personally responsible for £7.5m and that it did not believe he had sufficient funds to cover his obligations .
24 As a result when I awoke there was no positive proof that all this had not in fact happened , and that it did not belong to a mental lapse from which I had recovered .
25 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
26 His view of this " delirious " material ( note the etymology of délire ) is that it breaks the rules of language ( grammar , syntax , semantic cohesion ) but that it does not mean nothing .
27 It is recommended that the British government uses Article 20 to rehabilitate on-farm broadleaved woods in the LFA in conjunction with advice from the conservation authorities , but that it does not implement any provisions for afforestation because of the role of the Forestry Commission and private forestry companies in the UK .
28 When nuns make vows of celibacy they are saying that something is true for them in particular but that it does not belong to them .
29 Israel 's great sin was n't that it did not do good things — but that it did not obey the Law , the Torah .
30 In the first phase he confirmed that when meat powder ( an unconditioned stimulus ) was placed on the dog 's tongue a natural reflex occurred and the dog salivated ( an unconditioned response ) , but that it did not salivate solely in response to a buzzer sounded for 30 seconds , a neutral stimulus .
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