Example sentences of "[conj] that [pron] was [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Euphronios egrapsen certainly means ‘ Euphronios drew ’ ; Kachrylion epoiesen , ‘ Kachrylion made ’ , may mean that he actually potted the cup , or that he was owner of the workshop .
2 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
3 I knew that it made , besides such things as textiles , the remarkable Oerlikon guns and that it was part of the Oerlikon-Buhrle Group , employing some 40 000 people , mostly in Europe , but also in the US and Japan .
4 She excused his erratic behaviour because she assumed it was linked to business pressures and that it was part of the aggressive masculinity which she prized .
5 The union alleged that this was the " latest in a series of attacks launched by SATS and the South African police in an attempt to break the 10-week-old strike " and that it was part of a " carefully orchestrated campaign against striking workers " .
6 The Samoan people explain the mythos of Creation as follows : as Na Atibu , the father of the gods , lay dying , he decided the world was ready for mankind and that it was time for mortals to settle the earth .
7 was concerned that the Institute was not controlling its own destiny , and that there was conflict between various procedures .
8 Some of the beef classes were judged by an Argentinian , M Rodman , who said that he was particularly impressed with the easy-to-manage British breeds like the Angus and Hereford , and that there was scope for wider use of them in his country .
9 He also said that in the current , 1992 , fiscal year new lending would rise to $23,000-25,000 million , and that there was scope for considerable loans to the Soviet Union .
10 Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles broke his silence following newspaper reports which suggested that Charles and Camilla had been secretly meeting for more than 10 years and that there was evidence of a ‘ passionate intimacy ’ .
11 Mr Ainslie noted that there was still too much geographic focus on where business was carried out within the company despite the international nature of the business and that there was room for a more unified focus .
12 This report was the result of four months ' research , including material relating to Britain , Belgium , South Africa , Canada and the US , and noted that the IDA 's and the IIRS 's ‘ complacent attitude ’ towards asbestos was not shared by many eminent bodies throughout the world and that there was movement towards the phasing out of asbestos .
13 She sat and held her breath , and felt that she could hear the trees growing around her and that she was part of the same quiet measured progress , in a world devoid of people .
14 But that there was need for a substantial change in British society was a widespread conclusion .
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