Example sentences of "[conj] he or [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is important that the viewer is physically incorporated in the work , that he or she is implicated . ’
2 Resorts to ridiculous tactics like sitting the interviewee on a small , armless chair opposite a window so that he or she is blinking in a stream of sunlight .
3 Make sure that the baby 's body is facing the breast and that he or she is taking the whole nipple to fill its mouth .
4 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
5 The trainee feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft , and can see the view from the cockpit just as if ( s ) he were actually approaching the runway at a particular airport .
6 But , at the end of the day , it is still down to the individual to make sure that he or she is getting the best deal possible .
7 Only if an intervention is effective not only in eliminating this factor , but also in transforming the person 's lifestyle such that he or she is removed from this conveyor belt of risk , can the effects of the intervention be expected to be apparent ten or twenty years later .
8 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
9 The main thing the well-prepared learner brings to the task is positive expectations — expectations that reading will bring rewards of pleasure and understanding , and that he or she is going to learn to read and to enjoy the learning .
10 The onset of symptoms is very sudden and the outstanding ones are anxiety and restlessness and a terrible fear that he or she is going to die .
11 If you are convinced that he or she is going to hurt you and you ca n't escape , you may even hit out as they come forward .
12 The relative worth of each of these is dependent upon both the user 's aspirations and the sort of document that he or she is going to produce .
13 But if , by any chance , the reporter 's wife or husband also happens to be an Environmental Health Officer somewhere else , and happens to know that he or she is going off to do an interview , and say , ‘ Hey .
14 ( vi ) The appearance against a person 's name of an indication that he or she is qualified in a jurisdiction other than England and Wales , or the title licensed conveyancer , or registered foreign lawyer , or the title of any other profession , will be deemed to indicate that the person is not a solicitor holding a current practising certificate , unless a contrary indication appears .
15 Gently move your partner 's head to the middle so that he or she is lying straight once more .
16 " Lucid " dreaming , when the dreamer " knows " that he or she is dreaming , and makes decisions about how the dream plot should develop , is rare .
17 Instances of " lucid " dreaming , when the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming , are rare , even among those who claim to experience it frequently .
18 One important issue we have not considered is what happens to the individual once he or she is labelled as criminal .
19 It is the task of the Chief Commissioner to decide which decisions are to be reported and he or she is assisted by the Commissioners starring decisions they consider worthy of reporting .
20 The group reflect what they see of the sufferer 's assets and defects ( never defects alone ) and he or she is helped towards the recognition that his or her previous life truly had become unmanageable and that he or she had tried desperately to control everything but was finally having to admit defeat and accept powerlessness .
21 A copy of the winding up order must be sent to the Registrar of Companies immediately , and he or she is required to publish it .
22 Wherever you are grabbed , you can not be stopped using at least some of these weapons , and every time one hits home , the attacker 's pain will increase until he or she is forced to loosen the grip .
23 Every choreographer must have a motive if he or she is to give proper thought , impetus and significance to the movements made by the dancers whether : they are telling a story ; describing and/or expressing the thoughts behind a theme ; or interpreting music either by expressing personal feelings about the melody and rhythm or by so framing the dance that it parallels the music and reveals its structure .
24 In terms of historical change , manual workers of both sexes work today almost as many hours each week as they did in the late 1930s and early 1940s ; this demonstrates the fact that , where available , overtime is a crucial necessity for the manual worker if he or she is to receive a wage at or above the ‘ average ’ for all manual occupations .
25 It is expensive in terms of paying the salary or the research grant of the researcher for this time , especially if he or she is engaged in no other work .
26 Bean , writing a year later in 1984 , supported this view by saying that ‘ when the adopted child is an older child who has already acquired a cultural background and a set of cultural responses , these will have to be unlearned if he or she is to acquire a new cultural identity ’ .
27 Similarly , a child who creates dangerous mayhem in the kitchen can not do so if he or she is taught and learns never to enter the kitchen .
28 These assumptions will be detrimental to the black child if he or she is seen as being rescued from a life of misery .
29 A person is eligible for student membership if he or she is following one of these recognised courses :
30 A child can not be behaving badly if he or she is doing something else , hence ‘ a competing behaviour ’ .
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