Example sentences of "[conj] he was [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 By this time Charlotte would have felt a shock of surprise at ever finding that young man where he was supposed to be .
2 Although he was supposed to be in charge of the printing works it was the foreman , Mike Treloar , who ran it with Uncle keeping an eye on things and deciding policy .
3 He said that he was delighted to be at the opening of the new factory ; built entirely under the planning and control of production and engineering director .
4 ‘ I 'll make the time , ’ and the new coldness in Camille noted , through a clear magnifying transparency of ice , that he was pleased to be asked .
5 Victor Burgin explained , for example , in The End of Art Theory that he was unwilling to be limited to an aesthetic response to ‘ the art object , which in turn is representative of the sensibility of the artist ’ .
6 In fact , Byrne knew better and eventually resigned without making another move because he realised that he was due to be mated within four moves !
7 When I was a little girl and scarcely aware of Syl except as one of our neighbours , I had known that he was old to be unmarried and that the girls he brought home in his sports car were too young .
8 He was about to add that he was supposed to be coming to dinner at her flat very soon , then wondered if that was still on , since he had been invited by Alexandra who presumably would now rather eat maggots than go anywhere with him .
9 ‘ But once he told me that he was n't about to change and that he was likely to be a lifetime philanderer , I saw red and thought , ‘ Screw you !
10 I did not believe that he was likely to be one of my examiners in Finals , and this turned out to be true .
11 AU heraldic insignia were shamingly torn from his coat , signifying that he was unfitted to be a knight .
12 confirmed that he was willing to be co-opted onto the National Education Committee to assist with NVQ development and this was agreed by the meeting .
13 We are told that his decision not to do so was influenced by his impression that the judge was hostile to him so that he was reluctant to be questioned by the judge .
14 Mr Goodwin said afterwards that he was glad to be spending Christmas at liberty .
15 He was warned by another constable that he was liable to be arrested for obstruction if he persisted , which he did .
16 Having at first pictured João as tall , dark and handsome , she had by now convinced herself that he was unlikely to be any taller than herself , and probably plump and talkative .
17 And besides , ’ she added on a note of practicality , sensing that he was unlikely to be moved by her ambitions , ‘ there are n't many jobs around in Cornwall for fashion designers . ’
18 Nick Thomas admits he is no oil painting , so he was surprised to be asked to pose for a portrait .
19 Having came to the he was hungry , so he was glad to be h hired by a local farmer as a swine herd .
20 He wanted to take on the Glamorgan job again , whenever Butcher may decide to retire , and he was pleased to be thought a contender to take England to India if , as is expected , Graham Gooch opts out .
21 They were glad to have him in the gang and he was delighted to be among them .
22 I related the same story to a gentleman in this department , and he was unable to be of help — especially when I suggested to him that his department should not approve equipment that was unable to receive satisfactorily most of the NDBs in the UK .
23 But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one , and he was glad to be rid of it .
24 This is a special outing and he was supposed to be here to take charge of this lot , but the poor fellow 's down with jaundice and I 'm standing in for him .
25 His defence was , therefore , that on the facts as he reasonably believed them to be , his use of force would not have been unlawful , and he was entitled to be acquitted according to the ordinary principles governing criminal liability .
26 A police spokesman said last night that Mr Kelsey 's condition was not life threatening and he was likely to be discharged from hospital today .
27 They were just friends , and he was fun to be with .
28 The Revd Edward Chichester published a pamphlet in 1818 entitled Oppressions and Cruelties of Irish Revenue Officers , in which he described how , in 1810 , a detachment of the army led by Coffey was set upon and disarmed by the country people near Culdaff in Inishowen , and he himself was beaten ‘ until he was supposed to be dead ’ .
29 Bert Rafferty 's voice was subdued but firm , almost , Harriet felt , as if he was relieved to be getting something off his chest .
30 His eyes gleamed , as if he was happy to be dead .
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