Example sentences of "[conj] he is not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can see , Miss Cathy , that he is n't dying of love for you !
2 It is never the case that a writer creates a hypocrite without giving us some clue , however subtle , to his dissimulation ; and it is seldom the case that he is not exposed within the bounds of the artwork .
3 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
4 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
5 She makes no acknowledgement of their affair in public and he understands that he is not to refer to it with these new acquaintances .
6 Soon the employee learns that he is not getting from the phone calls what he wants and expects .
7 confessed to having initially found ‘ prima facie perverse and incomprehensible ’ — was that a police officer is not acting in the execution of his duty if he is doing something that he is not compelled by law to do .
8 If because risk had passed to him the buyer has to bear some loss , it follows that he is not excused from carrying out the contract .
9 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
10 We may assume that he is not spying on players and so must be on the lookout for managerial talent .
11 He must try to convince delegates that he is not to blame for Britain 's economic mess if he wants to keep his job .
12 Some fences can be deceiving from a distance , so the horse must be given clear aids as to what to expect so he is not taken by surprise .
13 ‘ No , and he is n't staying in the same hotel . ’
14 ‘ Well I do n't believe you did and he is n't going to be able to prove it . ’
15 It being of no use for the master to say that the merchandise belongs to the owner of the ship because he can not be believed upon his word ; and he is not believed on his word when he declares that the ship belongs to the bourgeois and that there is no point to the charter party for the above stated reasons .
16 And he is not going to be too keen on you continuing with your career , either , ’ she 'd added warningly .
17 In fact , at common law , it is better for the seller if he is not fixed with actual knowledge of such contracts , since he is then more likely to escape liability for consequential loss suffered by the buyer if the seller 's default prevents the buyer from fulfilling his obligations under those contracts .
18 But , against that , the presence of Neil Edwards and Troy Coker ( if he is not suffering from jet lag ) in the line-outs should work in Quins ' favour .
19 For example , if an employee writes a computer program to help with his work but he is not employed as a computer programmer , his job is not to write computer programs and an employer can not necessarily assume that he owns the copyright in that particular program .
20 Police said they had not yet been able to identify the man but he is not believed to be local .
21 I suppose so , Rajiv , I suppose so , but he is not to come to the briefing .
22 Ultimately he believes that harmonisation of duty within the European Community must happen , but he is not sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for it : ‘ Politically we understand that uniform EC excise duty will not happen overnight , but alcohol is alcohol and we should be taxing alcohol volume and not the form that it comes in . ’
23 But he is n't responding to treatment . ’
24 Because he is not going for discovery or new connection or progression , but only to repeat upon himself a known reaction .
25 Peter Scudamore still has first call on Twiston-Davies ' string when he is not riding for Martin Pipe .
26 Khotan is drunk , when he is n't doped with hashish and , now that Nogai and his brothers are forbidden the Golden Pavilion , your father-in-law is courting everyone . ’
27 Clerke presumably returned to the Newfoundland fishery , as he is not found in the Armada lists .
28 Even Wat Tyler , the most famous of these , does not seem to have been involved in the earliest disturbances in Kent , as he is not mentioned in indictments dealing with disorder in Canterbury on 10 and 11 June , when the leader was John Hales of Malling .
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