Example sentences of "[conj] he take [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Louise was on a normal double decker bus with over thirty of her schoolfriends when the driver appeared to be angered by their continually ringing the bell ; so much so that he took them on a six mile detour .
2 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should be flattered or otherwise , ’ her host drawled , and she decided on the spot that she hated men with sophisticated wit — was he saying that he took it as a compliment , or not , that he only got one mention at lunchtime ?
3 He 's mad on polo so he takes me to the Hurlingham Club to watch him play .
4 He was mystified by this phenomenon ; it had never happened to him before , so he took it as a kind of omen .
5 We got the dog and give him a couple of rope ends in his mouth and he take them across the ice .
6 He did n't understand but he heard the word ‘ spider ’ and laughed , and she laughed too , until she saw how the light slid over his cheekbones and dropped luminous on his hair like Ember 's , then she was crying into the warmth of his shoulder and he took her through a linden-scented night to a place where her tangled feelings speared through tawdry lust into oblivion where she was n't alone .
7 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
8 A deeper pink suffused his face , colouring the skin between the freckles of pale orange that the tropical sun had cast there , and he took her by the wrists and said , in English , ‘ Maybe , we 'll see , maybe one day . ’
9 I told me mum about it and she said we ca n't be having that and got on the phone to the doctor , but he would n't even come out and he took me off the [ practice 's ] list .
10 Their glasses were empty and he took them to the bar for a refill .
11 It er er he pleated the he the halter into the tail of the leading horse and he took them down the road in a string like a train .
12 One of the Ness men was acting as guide and he took us to a rock bothy which the men use during their stay .
13 She blew smoke out , coughed , and handed him the cigarette and he took it without a word .
14 Flustered , she handed him her case and he took it with a strong hand , his face hard .
15 They gave the magic to a cripple named Birkinlig , and he took it to the lower land and in turn bestowed it upon his friends , his household .
16 There was one of her dandling a baby , and he took it into the kitchen to her .
17 And he took it like a hero . ’
18 And he took it from a man .
19 Before getting in , Melissa put out a hand and he took it in a firm clasp .
20 And he takes me to an Italian restaurant in Mitcham .
21 And this man goes , right love , and he takes her in an alley way and she goes thanks , and like , he goes come on then , let's do it now .
22 One 911 owner once remarked to me that he had n't been terribly impressed by his car until he took it on a racetrack .
23 Yeah , yeah was kind , it was kind of them , yes and we went all round the shops and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and in the new Co-Op as well you know , I thoroughly enjoyed it but he took me in the car so that we did n't have to hang about you see
24 She did not provide him with wine , to be sure , but he took it in the caffè he frequented , a caffè where politics were argued over far into the night and the arguers fell asleep at the table .
25 Charlie , is on his last legs , has been for years and , might as well have him put down , as that Nick keep saying , I think I 'll have to have him put down he , when he takes him for a walk he collapses .
26 He was almost in tears when he took her to the station , and when he said his farewells his reedy voice was quite unsteady .
27 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
28 When he took me into the lead I did n't want to be there that soon — so many horses have been caught after being clear , ’ he said .
29 When he took me to a football match we saw Paul Gascoigne and I was allowed to go on the pitch .
30 Returning to my first meeting with Vincent , Arthur Cheyney naturally became my hero , especially when he took me on a trip from Ipswich to Parkeston Quay , which completely sold me on the job and made me resolve to move heaven and earth to get on a cutter crew as soon as possible .
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