Example sentences of "[conj] he would have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 She or he would have to spend a year in general practice to have the opportunity to acquire similar skills .
2 To every one else at the meeting it seemed quite clear that MacDonald intended to resign , and S.B. returned front it convinced that he would have to form a Government .
3 To everyone else at the meeting it seemed quite certain that MacDonald intended to resign and SB returned from it convinced that he would have to form a government . "
4 Even so , it may be doubted that he would have made a greater impact upon the course of history .
5 It may be that he had missed his metier , and that he would have made a greater mark had he gone into politics .
6 The judge applied a multiplier of 12 years ; and he said that he would have given a multiplier of ten , but he gave 12 to protect against the possibility of future inflation .
7 If Montini had immediately succeeded Pius XII , it is unlikely that he would have called a Council .
8 Iro has been in poor form for the Sea Eagles and was told several weeks ago that he would have to take a pay cut to stay with the club .
9 After some initial success , however , the Young King 's campaign ground to a halt and Henry decided that he would have to take a hand himself .
10 I overheard the man next to me saying that he would have to use a chest harness as he had broken his ankles twice .
11 In response to the statement by the Birmingham city treasurer that he would have to keep a register to administer the council tax , the Minister asserted that the keeping of such a register would be unlawful .
12 The Home Secretary had previously informed the Cabinet that he would have included a provision to this effect in the Bill if he had not thought it preferable to leave it to the Lords to take the initiative .
13 Dr Julius Grayling , the man in charge , says that he would have had a worse chance of getting a grant from the Mandan Foundation if he had applied with a literal description of the work he wanted to carry out .
14 Had his life been prolonged , the writer thought it probable that he would have left a deeper mark on the science of the profession .
15 ‘ Did n't you warn Jones that he 'd have to wait a while ? ’
16 Louis examined Trent with less emotion than he would have given a sandwich .
17 That was how close it was , and as Emerson once said to me , he learned that weekend , sweating out the last half-hour before the start , that when you 're running for the championship , you simply ca n't give anything away : give Stewart an inch and he would have taken a yard .
18 If he finds a job , it is not likely to be on Wall Street and he would have to hand a quarter of his earnings back to the Brooklyn centre .
19 And he 'd have written a thing I 'm just using William George as an example of course .
20 He could have worked things out the same way I had , and he 'd have had a hellish time believing it all of his own son .
21 Even with England and Denmark behind him , ’ had said Thorkel Fóstri with scorn , ‘ I doubt if he would have got a levy over the Forth .
22 He wondered if he 'd have made a good interior designer .
23 But I think if er if he 'd have had a firm 's input , that wanted something designing , he 'd he 'd have done a lot better .
24 But he 'd have to get a doctor .
25 and what better place to say it than here — had Middleton accepted my alternative he would have had a better chance of living ; but I would question very sincerely whether he would have had a VC .
26 But now you 'll never know whether he 'd have made a move or not , will you ?
27 During the approaching round the time would come , inevitably , when he would have to play a shot under immense pressure .
28 And had he not been perfectly willing , of course , to hit a woman every bit as hard as he would have struck a man .
29 The YCs speaker was implicitly emphasizing the commonality between national and international interests within capitalism ( or ‘ the west ’ , as he would have preferred a term which suggest geography rather than politics ) .
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