Example sentences of "[conj] he would have like [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 We telephoned Mr Hector Charlesworth but he was , as yet , unable to take any remedial action , although I had the distinct impression that he would have liked to do so .
2 Maggie could tell that he would have liked to stop for a chat , that he felt sorry for her left on her own , but she lacked either her grandmother 's grace or her mother 's energy , so she did not offer him tea .
3 He confides that he would have liked to have ‘ taken a crack at another big public objective , .
4 It is understood that he would have liked to have been offered the post of Leader of the House .
5 He would have enjoyed seeing more of this blue and green misty world with the lingering scents of ancient magic everywhere and he would have liked to see some of its people and found out how they lived and what they did and if they were happy .
6 He wanted to write something which would be profoundly true and he would have liked to have corrected the image of Modigliani which developed very early on in a number of dubious publications .
7 Allen looked as if he would have liked to have said more , but the presence of Meryl evidently constrained him .
8 It was right , and he was sorry about it , because he 'd have liked to think his idea had helped them , been taken up so that he could feel part of the activity .
9 He supposed Mr Rose was interested in finding out if he , Marcus , " was " homosexual , and whilst he would have liked to know that himself , and remembered the one explicitly sexual moment of his relations with Lucas with tremors of disgust and anxiety , he had no wish to go into that with Mr Rose .
10 He was unable to observe , however — as he would have liked to do in his ever-observant way — just what the expression on Jilly Jonathan 's pretty face might have been .
11 So , much as he would have liked to ride for Perthshire with his friends , in especial Mariot , he left them , to turn up Eskside , but promising to come to Doune before long .
12 Much as he would have liked to try to rescue Murray , he recognised that to be out of the question .
13 He said this without looking at the Substitute , though he would have liked to see his reaction .
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