Example sentences of "[conj] he have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After dining with Pétain in 1918 ( where he had clearly not enjoyed his wonted social success ) , Colonel Repington noted in his diary : ‘ Freezing formality as usual .
2 He held an untidy bundle of towel and swimming trunks in his hand and a tennis racket lay on the back seat where he had obviously just flung it .
3 where he has so recently expended himself , disappear beneath her skirt , pulled down in one deft movement .
4 Either that , or he had only yesterday decided to bow to fashion and grow a beard .
5 Although he had n't actually handled her particularly roughly , she lost her balance and went sprawling on the floor .
6 Although he had not actually seen her , he had been assured by the surgeon that she is doing well .
7 Although he had not definitely declared his candidacy , Perot had ignited a grassroots campaign involving the collection of the hundreds of thousands of signatures necessary to include him on the ballot in all 50 states .
8 Although he had not formally announced his candidature Olympio , son of President Sylvanus Olympio who was himself assassinated in 1963 , had been expected to be a very popular presidential candidate .
9 Although he had never formally declared his candidacy , the Texan billionaire had been campaigning intensively since March .
10 His rider dismounted to check , and unbelievably it was true ; although he had never before put his tongue over the bit .
11 He had been forced to sign a co-operation agreement in order to obtain a passport , although he had never actually collaborated .
12 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
13 He climbed to the upper level , and from the top of the stairs he could see a wide slice of moonlight telling him that he 'd not only forgotten to lock the door behind them , in his haste he 'd neglected even to close it ; he crossed the decking and closed it now , switching the key from the outside to the inside and turning it in the lock .
14 The noise of the van receded and Forester expected its place to be taken by the measured squeak and clank of the old machine , a sound that he 'd so far heard only through still air at a distance .
15 There was a momentary hesitation before he explained that he 'd only just got to the room , he 'd felt too disturbed by the shamanistic experience to sleep and had sat in the hospitality suite reading .
16 He 'd been so disinterested in her progress during six years of primary school that he 'd only ever visited the school once .
17 She 'd given him no encouragement — their encounters had been on a light , friendly basis only — but she knew that he 'd long since stopped seeing Louise , and there 'd been only a couple of short-term girlfriends since .
18 Macari said reports of him spending the weekend talking to Celtic director David Smith were ‘ pure rubbish , ’ and that he 'd still not seen or spoken to anyone from Celtic Park .
19 Looking around at the suffocating power of the Roman Catholic Church and the less humane churches of Protestantism , he found that he had nowhere else to go ; they had no answers for this situation either .
20 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
21 The fact that Marc had registered her exact words seemed to say that they meant something — that he had n't simply dismissed what she had yelled out from the shower , but that he had remembered and , as it seemed now , had brooded over them for some time .
22 He began talking about the state of the world , saying that he had n't even looked at a newspaper all day , when one was enjoying oneself one too easily forgot everything that was not on the personal level : and yet how desperately the economic situation was deteriorating everywhere week by week , it could not end well , it might lead to anything .
23 However , it did n't stop Charlie wanting to taste Coca-Cola , the latest drink from America , at a cost of a penny a bottle ; or to try the new safety razor from Gillette — despite the fact that he had n't even started shaving — at sixpence for the holder and twopence for six blades : he felt sure his father , who had only ever used a cut-throat , would consider the whole idea sissy .
24 Eleanor immediately pointed out that he had n't exactly held his wife , who was thoroughly unfaithful if half the tales he 'd told were true .
25 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
26 She realised that he had n't ever responded to her first mildly scolding words as they left the Hamiltons ' .
27 If that was true , it occurred to her that he had n't really believed what she had told him tonight , but whether he did nor not , it did n't alter the central fact that they were never going to be lovers .
28 It was a period of penury such that James and his team spent one night in Pau furtively thieving back the petrol that had been stolen from their car and eventually hitchhiking back home via Le Havre , with no food on the way — and it brought out in James qualities of tenacity that he had n't really suspected in himself .
29 Not until she had had time to explain that Oliver was only a little boy , that he had n't really understood
30 She recovered herself , grateful that he had either not noticed how jumpy she had been or was willing to pretend he had not .
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