Example sentences of "[conj] he be the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean that the intellectual therefore nihilistically celebrates dispersion , fragmentation or relativity : rather she or he is the person who , facing such dispersion but without conceding to the nostalgic desire for totalization , poses the questions and constitutes the series and continuities for analysis — and thus for transformation — while attempting to respect its heterogeneity .
2 Miss or is it simply that er when the male rang up to say about Lawrence at has a gun and that he is the caller who is concerned for the safety of the occupiers .
3 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
4 ‘ It is absolutely crystal clear that he is the man who did these things , ’ said Mr Brown .
5 Let me then say a little bit about Newstat and presidential power and , and if you remember my last lecture I said that he was the man who coined the phrase that presidential power is the power to persuade .
6 Sometimes he felt that he was the person he was because of them and acted the way he did because of their effects .
7 But it was a tersely worded compliment , and as he turned to take an olive from the tray of hors-d'oeuvres already laid out on a side-table , her stabbing disappointment told Belinda that he was the person she had really dressed up for today , though what she wanted to prove to him she did n't quite know .
8 ‘ I knew as soon as I saw Damian that he was the son I 'd never had , and now he is my son , in a way , is n't he ? ’
9 Bell is happy to cultivate the impression that he was the Svengali who transformed Thatcher 's harsh , strident public persona into something softer and more voter-friendly .
10 ‘ It 's so sad because he 's so quick , so experienced and he is the guy who made me raise my own game to come out of the blocks ahead of him . ’
11 Erm , er , Jim is , Jim is sitting on in er on the flight deck of the Enterprise and he is the guy who has to make all the decisions .
12 He 's not from our way but John Reynolds of Swindon is … and he 's the man who 's job it was to string the champion 's rackets … here 's Erika Barnes to serve
13 And me granny to help me and he was the land nobody could really find that if you came across it one nasty day well you 're there and you 're kind of stop there if the went away .
14 His name was Philip Sayer and he was the actor who starred in Floodtide and Bluebell and other series and plays you may have seen .
15 If he 's the Sharpe I think he is , sir , then he 's quite a celebrated soldier .
16 After supper there 's a choice of sticky cakes , coffee and exotic icecreams at a couple of beachside cafes , or late drinks and 70 's rock at the Louis ' blues bar — if he 's the guy who opens it again this year .
17 If he 's the reason you 're afraid of sex I 'd like to hear about it . ’
18 And I still do n't know if he was the man I saw outlined on Harriet 's blind .
19 as if he was the clerk who was happy to help me with my transaction .
20 If he was the sort who enjoyed playing the field then she might have understood , but he did n't strike her as being that type at all .
21 But he is the stuff which above all others makes a great people .
22 But he is the optimist who doubled his stake in March .
23 But he 's the sort who wo n't worry too much about that as long as he follows the course he believes will revitalise Liverpool .
24 He was naked and there was no longer a burn upon his face , but he was the brother she remembered .
25 Because he 's the fellow who now acquires carpets for Liberty .
26 I told him I loved him because he 's the partner I chose for better or worse .
27 Or was it because he was the way he was that she had walked out one day when Dadda was at work and he at school , leaving a note on the kitchen table and the remains of the week 's housekeeping money ?
28 The issue was whether he was the person he claimed to be , and the Court of Appeal held that this must be tested by his appearance in court where cross-examination could be fully informed by the recollections of several people in England who knew the missing heir before his emigration .
29 He tried to kill you and that makes it look very much as though he 's the person who killed Sabine Jourdain . ’
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