Example sentences of "[conj] he be [v-ing] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 For the past year Maureen Timmins has been corresponding with him in San Quentin jail where he 's waiting execution for the murder of his pregnant wife .
2 THE former prime minister of Pakistan , Mohammad Khan Junejo , has died of a heart attack in Baltimore in the United States , where he was undergoing treatment for leukaemia .
3 He joins Yuill from Twyfords where he was marketing manager for four years .
4 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
5 The situation is opposed by Conservatives in the north-east of Scotland and he is showing contempt for the people of the whole of Scotland .
6 Brian Hillier agreed with the defence suggestion that he had nothing to fear from any so-called threats , he had already resigned from the club and he was awaiting trial for cheating the taxman .
7 Well then , cos he was doing executor for poor old soul poor old and er Ivy used to go and see her pretty frequently , she said do come and see me Mrs ?
8 The facial swelling received by midfielder Gordon Armstrong in a derby match clash of heads with Middlesbrough fullback Curtis Fleming has subsided , but he is having treatment for a knee injury .
9 Kit had learned how to grow certain lucrative crops on the mainland , when he served with Roger Pole and the local Indians had been drafted to instruct them ; but he was cultivating indigo for the first time , in Sycorax 's former enclave , and he found the plant tricky and demanding and considered its production women 's work .
10 Defence counsel Roger Eastman was awarded costs on behalf of the Marquis who was n't in court because he 's undergoing treatmnent for his drugs problem .
11 Nicky and Roma met while he was mixing sound for Planxty years ago .
12 He abused his inheritance , behaved extravagantly , and nearly got his comeuppance from the weasels — a violent proletariat who squatted in his house while he was doing time for car theft .
13 DEREK LEE , who played fullback for Scottish Schools last season , has nailed his colours to the Glasgow even though he is playing standoff for Watsonians in Edinburgh .
14 It was as though he were dictating material for a paper in one of the journals or addressing a class of senior students .
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