Example sentences of "[conj] he be [v-ing] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He went to a local pub in the mining village where he was staying to drown his sorrows and found himself sitting next to a stranger who remarked on his dejected demeanour .
2 Although he was hoping to use it to get away from his captor , his bladder was indeed uncomfortably full .
3 It 's possible that he 's trying to test your love for him .
4 May I invite the Minister to come to Monmouth to discuss those problems with the farmers there , which will give him the opportunity to assure them that he is seeking to protect their interests ?
5 Even inset boards , where a child has to match a certain shape , e.g. a lorry to its silhouette , are difficult for the beginner who does n't always realise that he is trying to put it in upside-down .
6 As to the Secretary of State 's personal statement , as he knows , we do not always agree about everything , but we very much appreciate the efforts that he is making to bring everybody around the table .
7 Yes , er I 'm very worried about this aspect of er whose finger er on the nuclear trigger , because the nuclear referee in the Soviet Union is divided between mainly peace states , Russia , Ukraine and , now Boris Yeltsin has said that he is going to protect his Russian minorities in Ukraine and , now I fear that if that comes to some kind of a conflict then it 'll be very uncertain as to what arrangement could be made about er , honouring international agreement and about ultimately too er , any kind of nuclear er congregation .
8 Holding the arms and hands still , the patient moves his seat sideways a little , then backwards and forwards , so that he is practising using his trunk without provoking any unwanted activity in his affected arm .
9 Historians have quarrelled about that since Thucydides and perhaps before ( for there is some reason to think that he was writing to correct what he saw as error , notably about the Megarian decree , for which see p. 91 ) .
10 She describes another incident where a woman , reduced to tears by a senior colleague , began to realize that he was enjoying seeing her cry .
11 ‘ Before I burst through that door , I 'd been listening at the window — I distinctly recall that he was refusing to say anything really damning .
12 James Halden , of course , had no idea that he was helping to support his own daughter .
13 As she stared , mesmerised , up at his wide , sensual mouth , it seemed for one wild , completely mad moment that he was intending to kiss her
14 ‘ I do n't think he would do it to draw attention , but I believe quite genuinely that he was trying to amuse me . ’
15 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
16 Suragai was hesitating , and Burun saw that he was trying to choose his words to avoid giving offence .
17 Merrill sensed that he was trying to put her at her ease , building a bridge over the rift that divided them , to get the evening off to a good start .
18 She had no idea what he was up to , but instinct told her that he was trying to help her , and in this case it seemed wiser to follow her instincts .
19 When I eventually realized that he was trying to chat me up , I decided to end the conversation and get off the train .
20 Indeed , a couple of times she had complained that he was trying to adopt her .
21 She frowned , thinking that he was trying to tell her something , but what ?
22 We could grasp that he was trying to tell us we had arrived at some sort of geological shift , much like the Wallace Discontinuity east of Bali , where two tectonic plates meet and flora and fauna are different on the two opposed sides .
23 And there was nothing surer than that he was going to need her when Guido finally caught up with him !
24 Elaine still did not know that he was going to lose his job .
25 Billy Sullivan had decided that he was going to own his own gymnasium one day and the idea grew in his mind until it became an obsession .
26 His lips hesitated , and she thought for a moment that he was going to draw her away , but he gave a low groan and his mouth moved against hers again .
27 There was also fear that he was going to punish her in some unpleasant way for Jason 's actions , and other , deeper fears that even now she refused to acknowledge .
28 ‘ My heart fell to my boots , ’ Henrietta told another , ‘ for I dreaded that he was going to choose me and he did . ’
29 ‘ We caught Kenny after he had been off the road and were worried that he was going to hold us up because we knew Nolan was catching up quickly , ’ explains Dean .
30 When Menelik founded Addis Ababa in 1889 the countryside had been forested with juniper and wild olive , but these had soon been cut down for firewood and building material , whereupon Menelik announced that he was going to move his capital for the third time .
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