Example sentences of "[conj] he [is] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He recently lost out in the race to become the Metropolitan Commissioner , although he is hotly tipped to take charge of a UK Anti-Terrorist Squad if it should be established .
2 BONG : First , veteran newsman Sandy Gall walked out on his wife after 34 years , although he 's now trying to patch things up .
3 And the importance of this work , colleagues , will become clearer later in this report , but at this point er , President , I would wish to place on record , although he 's now has to leave er , to catch his plane , the attribute to my friend and colleague , who was here during the earlier part of Congress , as an honoured guest .
4 Because of his working hours he is not giving as much time as he ought perhaps to his family , although he 's always tried to ensure that weekends are devoted to his children .
5 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
6 ‘ I do n't suppose he 's ever done anything that he 's really wanted to do .
7 He says that he 's always wanted to work as an artist at Slimbridge — it 's a lifetimes dream come true .
8 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
9 basically he 's studied this minute area of China and , and basically , from that minute area of China , from his experiences , bearing in mind that he 's obviously trying to sell revolution , he is then generalizing about the whole of China .
10 So while you might well overhear Eeyore sighing to himself , and know therefore that he is n't trying to mislead anyone , it 's much less likely ( though not of course impossible ) that you 'll overhear Rabbit muttering ‘ There 's honey ’ to himself .
11 Antony firstly seeked the political side , he now appeals to their greed by producing Caesar 's will and saying that he is n't going to read it .
12 Somebody 's actually got to do the appointing if you have the , the er er er i i independent members and I do n't think it 's u is unreasonable for my Right Honourable Friend to say that the Home Secretary should do that er provided that he is not seen to have been taking an overtly political view .
13 If the requested State has not filed a declaration under Article 18 , and measures of compulsion are not available by other means under internal law , the request must state that he is not compelled to appear or to give evidence .
14 Taylor is adamant that he is not going to quit .
15 The Minister of Agriculture has said that he is not going to have land set-aside in Britain so that the rest of Europe can produce more' .
16 You should only consider doing anything else if you are absolutely certain that he is definitely going to kill you , in which case you do n't have much to lose .
17 If the hon. Member for Hammersmith ( Mr. Soley ) and his Labour colleagues around the country , who control far more houses than the Government , showed even a tiny percentage of the indignation that he is now attempting to express about empty houses in Swindon in relation to the 5,000 empty houses in Labour-controlled Liverpool , the 2,800 in Labour-controlled Salford , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newham , the 5,500 in Labour-controlled Manchester , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newcastle , the 1,000 in Labour-controlled Knowsley , and so on —
18 It has been suggested that he is so determined to retain control that he deliberately avoids working with famous directors such as Bertolucci , Cronenberg or Karel Reisz .
19 The most common type of instrumental argument relies , as a reason for recognizing the validity of consent , on the facts that the agent has the best information to judge whether it is best to create the right or not and that he is sufficiently motivated to act for the best .
20 I do n't share , Maria , so he 's just going to have to postpone the resumption of your affair until I 'm done with you . ’
21 So he 's not going to give way ? ’
22 Ken Preston-Mafham has over 35 000 colour slides and more than 10 years of experience behind him , so he is well qualified to offer sound advice on the trials and tribulations of photography ‘ in the field ’ .
23 Cokes have long moved in Royal circles , and he is well placed to advise the new Earl Spencer on estate affairs and any more delicate matters .
24 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
25 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
26 Three bits of documentary evidence exist : his signature is found confirming one of the of Haci Ivaz Pasa , dated 22 Dhu " l-Hijja 827/15 November 1424 ; according to Husameddin , his signature likewise appears at the top of a dated late Rabi " I 828/mid-February 1425 ; and he is also reported to have registered the of the Ulu Cami in Bursa ( built by Bayezid I ) , dated late Shawwal 828/mid-September 1425 .
27 On enquiry the Inspector contends that as the transactions were not recorded in the accounting records in March 1991 , no cognisance can be taken of the dividend , and he is therefore seeking to raise a s 419 assessment .
28 If Alger Hiss could betray his country for the sake of Communism — and he is still trying to establish his innocence — where else among the highest in the land might treason be found ?
29 In three years of misery at White Hart Lane , the former England Under-21 was cruelly nicknamed ‘ Booby ’ Mimms — and he is still struggling to live down the tag , despite being the Premier League 's least charitable keeper this season .
30 And he is still expected to step up his ambitious attempt to land QPR striker Les Ferdinand and complete his plans for a return to the big time .
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