Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] [pers pn] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your comment about him finding it difficult to live with the idea of someone being better than him forced me into a complete rethink .
2 ‘ When we played my school a bloke managed to wangle some dry ice from work and he dropped it into a bucketful of warm water .
3 ‘ I immediately offered him a cup of tea or coffee and he followed me into the kitchen , ’ says Lynsey .
4 However , I insisted and he ushered me into the Captain 's sea cabin .
5 One name caught his eye and he programmed it into the computer .
6 And he got you into the coach by putting his toe in your backside , and he was only stopped from horsewhipping you by Mama 's gentle persuasion .
7 There 's this little bent old man with a shopping trolley thing and he bashes it into the back of my legs .
8 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
9 And he thrust it into the jeep , as Shelley , rather puzzled by his ready agreement , shifted herself into the driving seat .
10 Typical James , thought Cameron , as he handed back the flask and looked at his friend 's flushed face : we are plotting to save our lives and he turns it into a holiday .
11 In those days I used to hang out at the Giaconda Cafe in Denmark Street where all broke musicians hang out , and I remember his first single came out and he dragged me into the record store next door , Francis Day & Hunter , and he said , ‘ Have a listen to this ’ .
12 There was one of her dandling a baby , and he took it into the kitchen to her .
13 Erm if we see you know , if we see somebody walking down a walkway , and he 's got a stereo in his arm , arms should I say , and he puts it into a car then obviously it a it arouses our suspicion , we 'll take a quick note of the car 's registration number , and we 'll pass the relevant information through to Police Station .
14 And he pushed him into the shed just as light filled the yard again .
15 I was in the kitchen when he played it back on the TV — I remember that day so well — and he called me into the living room to take a look .
16 Maria was nearest to him , and he pulled her into the circle of one arm , holding out the other to Nicky .
17 By 1737 he had begun to acquire over 200 acres of what was regarded as desolate heath-land sloping down to the River Mole near Cobham in Surrey , and he turned it into an ornamental park , Painshill Park .
18 If he hit it into the wall … at least it took someone out : - ) , and with the power he got behind it … when it was on target it was in .
19 It 'll be interesting to see if he makes it into the team .
20 Adorno , we have seen , acknowledges this specificity — indeed , for him it explains the ( unfulfilled ) potential of jazz and the hangovers of ‘ real ’ creativity in some Tin Pan Alley songs ; but he subsumes it into a theory of ‘ false individualization ’ , designed , in his view , to disguise mass cultural production as ‘ art ’ .
21 One of his more lasting memorials is the Hattersley domestic loom , which since he introduced it into the islands in 1920 has produced almost the entire output of Harris tweed .
22 We owe it to the people of my own borough of Hillingdon , where only a week or so ago a teenager who had just stolen a car killed himself when he drove it into a tree at nearly 100 mph .
23 When he took me into the lead I did n't want to be there that soon — so many horses have been caught after being clear , ’ he said .
24 I radioed one of my men to bring along an extra trailer and I told him to tip it up when he brought it into the field to make sure it was clean
25 Anthony even claimed to have discovered ‘ maps of Ireland ’ on the sheets when he stuffed them into the machine in the local Launderette .
26 Our smiles of anticipation dimmed somewhat when he led us into the coffee shop , but he was a good sort and I hope we did not embarrass him .
27 She was aware of Mr Carson looking at her , and when he handed her into the carriage to sit beside Ruth she felt quite the lady .
28 ‘ We are a scientific community , ’ he said as he led them into a dismal cavernous hall , ‘ and also a spiritual one . ’
29 ‘ Mrs Wormwood is n't going to thank you for this , ’ the man said as he led her into the sitting-room where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen .
30 His head was spinning as he led her into the reception building .
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