Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] [pers pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the second play , Audience , Ferdinand is called in by the head maltster , played by Freddie Jones , who insists that he joins him for a drink and a chat .
2 But in the very next poem he says that he did it for a change of diet , a bout of ‘ physic ’ as it were , needed after over-indulgence : ‘ being full of your ne'er cloying sweetness , /To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding ’ ( 118 ) .
3 ‘ I was playing in a particular game and did not think I had done anything spectacular at all when I was approached by Heffernan who told me that he wanted me for the Ireland team to play Australia in the Compromise Rules series , ’ recalls McGilligan .
4 Jack found a piece of driftwood , its gnarled form worn totally smooth by the action of the waves , and they decided it would look wonderful in his barn hung on the brickwork chimney-breast , so he carried it for the rest of the morning until they returned to their little camp at lunchtime .
5 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
6 The cold was within his heart now , and he knew it for the heartcold of the truly bereft .
7 Woolworth chief Geoff Mulcahy 's shares cost £374,000 — and he sold them for a £1,037,000 profit .
8 Unfortunately , for example , he believed certain things which were wrong ( such as the tenets of Unitarianism ) , and he believed them for the wrong reasons ( such as the theistic proofs ) .
9 ‘ And there was a sailor there — submariner , I think he was — and he asked me for a date , but I said no . ’
10 He come round and he asked me for a change of a fiver .
11 And he entered me for the scholarship , , and er , I won .
12 Cross soon secured his place in the Palace line-up and he held it for a long time , but his partnership with Jack Little for three seasons was a much-admired feature of the Palace defence .
13 He must have felt it and he must have suffered afterwards from it I would imagine , but he had , he had those qualifications , he had those abilities and he used them for a .
14 He played a diabolical second shot and he must have finished all of 20 yards from the hole , but he sank it for a 3 .
15 But he dismissed them for the time being , having more important matters to be dealt with .
16 Oh yes , but he wants them for the whole of the year you see , which is impossible .
17 It poured out into the still night and Nuadu shivered , because he knew it for the evil magic of the Dark Ireland ; the ancient , malevolent enchantment of the necromancers .
18 Actress Robin Givens gave the man a bloody nose after he mistook her for a hooker while she was filming in Chicago .
19 It was Cannistraro and his colleagues who also identified the mysterious Libyan who bought the clothes in Malta to wrap around the bomb , based on a photofit picture produced by the FBI from the shopkeeper 's phenomenally detailed description of his customer ten months after he saw him for the first and only time .
20 Charlie , is on his last legs , has been for years and , might as well have him put down , as that Nick keep saying , I think I 'll have to have him put down he , when he takes him for a walk he collapses .
21 There is erm a chap down our road had a had a huge dog and when he when he took it for a walk , you know he used to he used to stagger along with him and my wife used to say there he goes again , the do what was it she used to say , the dog 's taking the man for a walk again and it i do you think it 's that sort of idea you know that in some households th the dog takes over from the er sort of central figure , even the dominant figure , things hinge round the dog , you know the holiday what shall we do with the dog , pouring down with rain but the dog has to go out for its walk and somebody has to take it .
22 ‘ What 's — the matter this morning ? ’ she said , in the voice she had used when he asked her for an off-games note .
23 When he leaves her for the Gipsy and she dances .
24 So when he called you for the Comeback Special , was that something you did happily ?
25 His heart lurched as he saw her for the first time for nine years , now in her new role as a woman .
26 Jobless Shepherd told a court his labrador Flash was savaged by a pit bull terrier as he took her for a late-night walk after drinking at a local club .
27 As he said it for the first time a smile flickered across his face , and in that instant his features were totally transformed .
28 Ronni felt her blood leap and burn within her as he held it for a moment , squeezing gently , then , almost as though the gesture was an afterthought , allowing his thumb to graze lightly against the burning peak .
29 His eyes were ice-bright , and pierced her like twin blades as he regarded her for a long moment .
30 The blue eyes narrowed as he regarded her for a moment .
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