Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] never [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The payment made to Olaf Tryggvason in 994 , for example , seems to have been part of a deal in which Olaf agreed to be confirmed ( with Æthelred standing sponsor ) , and promised that he would never return to England .
2 His medical went well until he revealed that he suffered from asthma and David pointed out to him that he would never cope with that particular job .
3 And forthwith he made a vow in her hands that he would never accompany with her , neither in the desert nor in the inhabited place , till he had won five battles in the field .
4 He wanted to soothe and calm him and , in the same instant , tell him that he would never want for anything , not as long as he , Nicholas de Loit , MP , had anything to give .
5 I was frequently called out of my classes to interpret for him , and it began to be assumed that he would never talk at all .
6 When the captain of the Olympic team tells the Sunday Times that he would never run in the 4x400 meters relay because ‘ those guys are not my kind of guys — I do n't like their attitude ’ , then he has to be challenging somebody to say , how dare you say that , to which he 'll reply , how can you stop me ?
7 She was a fairy who married a mortal to gain a soul , and made a pact that he would never spy on her on Saturdays , and for years he never did , and they had six sons , all with strange defects — odd ears , giant tusks , a catshead growing out of one cheek , three eyes , that sort of thing .
8 Just as whatever production he worked on , his contract specified that he would never work on St David 's Day — the Welsh National Day .
9 Before she and David were married , Beth had secured his promise that he would never probe into her past , and would not pester her with regard to young Richard 's father .
10 The Spaniard was upset and stated that he would never play in America again , a statement which delighted many Americans .
11 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
12 A famous recording artist with the group Fleetwood Mac was really frightened by one of the duo and he swears that he will never come into the building again such was his experience .
13 While accepting that , I would just like to suggest to Cottee that he will never play for a bigger club than Everton .
14 And I said , this should never be , and he must never hope for it .
15 But he would never recover from not being able to afford her — or his apartment .
16 But he would never admit to such a thought , and in fact felt guilty for even thinking it .
17 The time was after eleven and he was tired but he could never sleep without reading for a few minutes at least .
18 He was tall and strong and beautiful but he could never think like a man or a king .
19 Gandhi indeed could count on the British conscience for his personal safety , but he could never count on it for political concessions — and it is clear that at some level he understood this .
20 Nothing would ever have induced them to chase a ball , but Buster did it again and again as though he would never tire of it .
21 Oddly , though he could never bear to be out of her sight and cried whenever she left him , as soon as his eldest sister , the faithful Cis , got him to her own home he ceased to cry .
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