Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] come [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now assuming he knows what four times two is and assuming he knows what two plus one is and so on , he may come up with the answer ‘ Nine ’ , or he may come up with the answer ‘ Twelve ’ , and they 're both right .
2 Or he could come down with you on Saturday ?
3 In fact , I very much doubt that he 'll come back in a party mood . ’
4 We do a lot of road work with him to keep him fit , but he 's such a liability ; I 'm always worried that he 'll come down on his knees .
5 Partly on that score , and partly against the possibility that he might come back between now and South Africa in 1995 , the players would want McGeechan as one of the quintet .
6 He says that any teacher who makes comments like that in front of a class , should n't be in school that 's why he said to us that if a teacher ever speaks to us like that he would come up to school and sort him out .
7 Her father disapproved of him , and had said so , but she had always thought that he would come round to her point of view .
8 The King held it good to accomplish her desire ; and forthwith ordered letters to be drawn up to Rodrigo of Bivar , wherein he enjoined and commanded him that he should come incontinently to Valencia , for he had much to communicate to him , upon an affair which was greatly to God 's service , and his own welfare and great honour .
9 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
10 Her was not given to eloquence about the beauties of the countryside , and was puzzled that he should come out with this remark .
11 She had a moment of pure desire in which she wanted to shout to him that he must come away with her .
12 He had thought that he must come back to her now as a stranger , learning afresh the shape of her wide forehead and tapering face , and the way she had of opening her eyes wide to take in entire the person to whom she spoke .
13 The only disadvantage of the job that he could come up with was the ‘ vulture capitalist ’ image with which he is clearly uncomfortable .
14 He exuded sympathy and concern , urged Amiss to take as much time off as he felt necessary , assured him he would be given sick pay and that his job would be secure , and only after a long argument agreed very reluctantly that he could come back on duty the following day .
15 He was being told in no uncertain terms that he could come out of all this as the loving , caring father who would do anything to keep his daughter 's reputation ; who welcomed her choice of husband with open arms ; who would not bow down in the face of adversity , but would rise up and conquer it .
16 Charles explained that he 'd come round in answer to a complaint and rather thankfully began to pass on apologies on behalf of the Regiment for transmission to Lord Southdown later , but the butler shook his head regretfully once more , indicated that Lady Charity was at home , and felt certain that she would deal with the matter .
17 Senga blinked back tears , " he told me he loved me and that he 'd come back for me when he 'd made his fortune and could afford to take me away . "
18 If he thinks that he can come back to the House , whatever the supine press may say , and present it as a triumph for Britain that he has managed to prevent those provisions from being applied in this country , although they are being applied everywhere else , he shows that the Government are not only economically bankrupt but bankrupt of values .
19 Oh , and tell him that Moila 's too small for the ferry to dock , so he 'll come ashore in a boat .
20 bother I 've ever had with him , and he goes on to it and away he goes and he 'll come back in the house and he 'll go up the stairs to the computer , and that 's his life .
21 But he told me to think upon it and he would come back for an answer . ’
22 Whitlock had spent most of the afternoon with them and he 'd come away with the distinct impression that they held him in little regard .
23 By now I think mum and dad had gone home but they 'd rang Ian and he 'd come straight to the hospital and sat with me .
24 She had telephoned him as soon as she got home , and he 'd come straight to the villa , arriving in a whirlwind , his personality magnetic as always .
25 The greyly persistent Detective Chief Inspector emerged like a turtle from his shell when he saw us arrive , and he 'd come alone for once : no silent note-taker in his shadow .
26 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
27 Ask an insurance man and he will come up with a catalogue of reasons why his company is losing millions on car insurance .
28 So he is actually taking some action , and he will come back to us fairly soon he said erm about the result of his survey , whether or not there 'll be a residents ' scheme down there .
29 It almost seemed for a moment as if he would come over to the table and speak , but then he turned away , looking rather puzzled and began to order his tea .
30 It gets more and more embarrassing to watch Dustin Hoffman coughing and limping as if he 'd come straight to the film from a Broadway theatre . ’
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