Example sentences of "[conj] have a [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 We need to reflect , however , on what has just been said : in brief , that for something to be or to have a power in the primary sense is for it to enter into a possible causal circumstance .
2 Teesside Women has celebrated its first six months of existence , during which it has provided a wide range of meetings and workshops for any women who live , work or have an interest in the area .
3 Yeah , that had a label in the cell , if I had A B C in that cell .
4 This path also involves a closer and more permanent relationship with other parties that have a stake in the company 's performance — suppliers , dealers , creditors , even the towns and cities in which the company resides .
5 Governors are drawn from a cross-section of those that have an interest in the school and in many ways act as a market research test panel .
6 Yellow Peril 's defenders insist like all good art it 's provocative and has a sting in the tail
7 The RVH is one of the major employers in Northern Ireland and has a workforce in the region of 6,000 people .
8 The company also shared in new output from the Angus field and has an interest in the recently discovered Fife field .
9 ‘ I try to relax and have a drink in the house .
10 OK , now we 're going to go and have a look in the waiting-room and at the notes , and do a bit of triage there .
11 Oh we 'd have to go and have a look in the light .
12 She hung around for a while , looking aimlessly into the shop windows , wondering if she should go and have a coffee in the Franz Joseph , just in case he was there .
13 We want all our people to share in growing prosperity and to have a stake in the country 's future .
14 I went to the library the other day and had a look in the atlas to see where Naples is .
15 Johnson met Mrs Riddoch 's little niece , Stuart Dallas , and , with his voice deliberately booming and hollow , told her he was a giant , that he slept in a cave , ‘ and had a bed in the rock , and she should have a bed cut opposite it ’ .
16 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
17 One was placed like a lid on the other and had a hole in the base .
18 His cardigan was not very clean either and had a hole in the elbow .
19 The school was very keen on athletics and had a tradition in the sport .
20 If I went and had a meal in the evening a la carte , how would you envisage it would take to go through that ?
21 She was acutely depressed and had a pain in the back of her neck .
22 Robert lives in Reading and had a milkround in the Goring and South Stoke area .
23 We also saw the ‘ Concubine 's Pool ’ where the Emperor 's favourite concubine used to bathe many centuries ago , and had a bath in the hot spring water ourselves before lunch .
24 As the church owned and managed the majority of the schools its faithful attended , and had a role in the management of the bulk of the remainder , the Roman catholic laity were left mainly on the receiving end of the educational policy thus legitimated .
25 ‘ So I plan to do a couple of hours ’ writing in the morning then go off and have a swim in the afternoon .
26 Faith ‘ To have access to child care and health care and security in their old age , to enjoy a clean environment , to walk the streets in safety and have a voice in the conduct of public affairs . ’
27 I du n no what to do , so I go back to the caff and have a look in the window .
28 I slip on the red shoes and have a look in the mirror .
29 Now go and have a look in the hall it looks beautiful !
30 Go and have a look in the mirror upstairs Gordon , you 're better off .
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