Example sentences of "[conj] in a [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Impressionist painting has always been associated with spontaneity with the artist standing on a river bank , or in a field in the countryside ; painting en plein air .
2 This can be cooked in a large pan on top of the oven or in a casserole in the oven .
3 They can be put in a timber floor or in a trench in a solid floor .
4 Nowhere are they more telling than in Ashton 's Enigma Variations where they explain the sympathy felt by Jaeger ( the critic ) for Elgar and his Wife or in A Month in the Country where Ashton communicates the growing feelings of love and frustration of the participants .
5 The Polytechnic was in the process of amalgamating with the College , and in a discussion in the Director 's office the College Principal was obviously shocked to hear things said by the Director that had not been previously shared with him .
6 It was in that ugly repository of polished pine , acoustic tiles and garish , sentimental stained glass that he and his wife had been married , and in a flat in the rectory , living above the parish priest , that they had made their first home .
7 The hon. Member for Gateshead , East looks doubtful , but in a debate in the other place yesterday , Baroness Hollis of Higham said : ’ Thirdly I suggest that a few functions would appropriately come up from the county councils . ’
8 But in a house in the heart of the Woodfield Estate there was no whistling as a man searched the streets for the fourth time for his child , then finally , belatedly , picked up a telephone and rang the police .
9 It should only include items which increase tension as in Romeo and Juliet or give rise to more fun and happiness as in La Fille Mal Gardée , or enhance the general mood as in A Month in the Country where there is romance in the air and also a general feeling of frustration .
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