Example sentences of "[conj] be now [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Several species of Australian amphibian , amongst them some of the most beautiful and interesting in the world , have died out and are now thought to be extinct .
2 They have advanced down the Asmara road in the past four weeks and are now reported to be operating south of Dese .
3 He was subsequently returned to Khartoum for medical treatment and is now believed to be back in Kober prison .
4 HP is known to have been casing the industry for new directions — a process witnessed by the winding down of its New Wave interface efforts — and is now thought to be closing in for a piece of Taligent Inc ( UX No 417 ) , the Apple Computer Inc/IBM Corp joint venture on object-oriented operating system technology .
5 Microsoft Corp is said to be reconsidering the floor-level pricing it was trying with NT , and is now thought to be unlikely to go with the $99 price .
6 Insulin-dependent diabetes is the most severe form of the disease , and is now considered to be an auto-immune disorder in which the cells of the pancreas responsible for producing insulin ( the beta-cells ) are destroyed by the body 's immune system .
7 Lamb is another minor casualty ; he is all right to bat , but he can only throw in underarm at the moment because of a niggle , which at first was thought to be a reaction to an inoculation , but is now believed to be a minor ligament problem .
8 Her sister , Khieu Ponnary , is married to Pol Pot , and was influential in the 1975 government , but is now understood to be confined to hospital because of mental illness .
9 The landmark structure has been out of action for two years but is now expected to be back in service in July .
10 " The roof did not actually leak very much before it was taken in hand to be repaired : but is now reported to be in need of more repairs . "
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