Example sentences of "[conj] be [verb] to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The advice from the group once again raised the sensitive issue of employing staff who admit to being , or are discovered to be infected .
2 Another plan is for the new partners to be admitted merely on undertaking to contribute their share of the partnership capital , and this may either be raised by borrowing from a bank or insurance company ( with periodic repayments ) or be left to be paid over a period of years by deduction from their share of the profits .
3 Or were going to be acquired , since the entries are in pencil . ’
4 Barthes develops an idea of discourse that is evocative of the text as something being read , or being written to be read .
5 The Plaintiff relies on proprietary estoppel the principle of which , in its broadest form , may be stated as follows ; where one person , A , has acted to his detriment on the faith of a belief , which was known to and encouraged by another person , B , that he either has or is going to be given a right in or over B 's property , B can not insist on his strict legal rights if to do so would be inconsistent with A 's belief .
6 If any member of the council or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with which the contract is made or is proposed to be made , or is a partner , or is in the employment of a person with whom the contract is made , he has an indirect pecuniary interest which he should disclose .
7 Thus some things that are said to be going to happen , do happen .
8 In other words those very characteristics that are said to be proscribed by the importance the Japanese attach to group loyalty and deference to authority .
9 You can use the program to create a personal history of problems that are felt to be related to certain substances .
10 The temple is a structure specifically designed to house an icon as well as the mental images that are sought to be evoked in its presence .
11 To this end , Tang reports that some 13.8 million ha of Malaysia 's forests have been designated as permanent forest estate ( PFE ) , of which 9.1 × 10 6 ha are productive forests that are intended to be managed on a sustained yield basis ( see section 8.2.1 for a definition ) .
12 We know that the immune system in that disease produces immunoglobulins ( which are antibodies , in the spinal fluid , which is the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal chord ) product antibodies there in the way that normal people do not , and there 's evidence too that around the areas of damaged insulation in the central nervous system , which is the characteristic abnormality or lesion in this condition , there are cells that are known to be committed to making antibody , or to aiding the production of antibody .
13 There may be a number of data items in a record that are chosen to be indexed .
14 Ambiguity , then , can be avoided by having a clear understanding of the abilities and capabilities that are going to be assessed .
15 The danger in this , as in the previously described case of the GCSE examinations , is that such targets can all too easily omit those qualities we most value in favour of the ones that can readily be measured , or lead to children being given a much narrower syllabus geared to achieving only those aspects that are going to be assessed .
16 that correct what sort of time scale was it ? , er , a , a block of er flats or apartments er that are going to be built on the site er , when were the estimates made ? , or when were they made in nineteen eighty seven ?
17 And finally , as you will know , there is a new Criminal Justice Act which will be coming through , there are new steps that are going to be taken about juvenile offenders .
18 Le Nité Grité GILBERT ADAIR — codes that are meant to be cracked
19 the way I see it , anyway , you know , if there are things that are meant to be left on .
20 This process of subdivision is continued until an appropriate level of specificity has been achieved , and all subjects that are required to be represented have been listed in their appropriate places .
21 In addition to the matters that are required to be included in a written customer agreement , certain required disclosures and consents relating to client money and property may be dealt with in the customer agreement or in separate documentation .
22 Take this opportunity to explore these beautiful and varied islands that are waiting to be discovered !
23 Restrictive policies were introduced in all major countries in 1973 in response to the price acceleration of the mini-boom and the large wage claims that were beginning to be submitted in its wake .
24 Further changes were required to the to the office and to the practice generally er we wanted to maximise on the er er o on the benefits that were going to be derived and the qualities and the skills that we have already got in place er and we wanted to move towards market leadership .
25 What a complete condemnation of the Thatcherite policies that were attempted to be brought in by the controlling group opposite .
26 Oh well when I got back from I sat in there for about an hour cos the new girls that were meant to be sleeping in there slept in Zoey and Lucy 's room .
27 Justice was neither being done nor being seen to be done .
28 One objection that is bound to be raised by those who are conditioned to defending the status quo is to point to the current labour market and the difficulties being experienced by young people attempting to find work .
29 The position I have tried to adopt is that whilst the atheist must demand clarity , the theist can argue that the nature of his or her task necessitates a use of language that is bound to be criticised as unusual , although it can not be allowed to be contradictory .
30 But , Peter Edwards asks , are we approaching a customer relationship from a strait-jacket that is seen to be contrived and without spontaneity ?
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