Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun pl] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If your standard way of eating ( or your slimming diet ) includes a mix of proteins , complex carbohydrate , and fresh fruits at each meal , you are much less likely to eat large amounts of refined sugar or the products that contain it .
2 We sat down then and all the time he was eating Frankie could n't keep his eyes off her or the things that surrounded him .
3 Apathy is an extreme feeling that we no longer have control over our lives or the things that sweep us along .
4 The hasty note , the spluttering pen , the exasperated correction , the careful clerkly hand , the grandiloquent flourish , the obsequious subscription , the torn seal , the glint of sand still held in the writing from the hand that strewed it centuries ago — all these and much else bring me into close company with the past , more than the rooms in which men sat , the streets they walked , the clothes they wore or the trinkets that adorned them .
5 So , it is not the country of domicile of economic institutions or the classes that dominate them that is the primary consideration in explaining how the global system works , but rather the structural locations of institutions and classes in the global capitalist system .
6 They never saw the wagon or the men that brought it here .
7 On the contrary , it may be argued that the groups that flex their muscles most forcefully and publicly thereby demonstrate their relative weakness .
8 The classic example offered is that of the diffident schoolboy , who has learnt the dates of , say , the English kings the previous night but who is so alarmed by his hectoring schoolteacher that he becomes completely unsure that the answers that suggest themselves to him under questioning are in fact the right ones .
9 Most people vary enormously in the reserves that they have available , so that the things that floor them at the end of term may be the same small irritations that they sailed through at the beginning .
10 Some tests done in was n't there , in one of those prisons , and I think they tried with very violent , very aggressive er , prisoners there , and it , they eventually found that the colours that calmed them down most of all was pink .
11 Simply , that the issues that affect our lives are entirely underpinned by a belief in women 's dubious nature ; their animality , their polluting tendencies , a sense that something might just erupt from the female that is dangerous and needs to be controlled .
12 And from this close Ronni could see that the lashes that framed his eyes were as thick and sooty as a chimney-sweep 's brush .
13 But since the thrust of the argument is for grass-roots power and the paper refers implicitly to unpopular counties created by the 1974 reforms , the districts are less worried than the counties that contain them .
14 but now they 're all set up and I 'm left alone and the children , three of them , have n't got time to look after me to give me what I , what I need and especially one in the truth , that one is less getting in touch with me than the ones that told me the truth , boys ring me , twice , three times a week , Julia rings every , every night , but Ted rings twice or three times a week , three times I could go , the one
15 Such was the enthusiasm generated by the initial successes with the organochlorine insecticides like DDT , BHC and dieldrin that most of the malarious nations of the world , excepting those in tropical Africa , gladly joined in the eradication programme that the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) began in the late 1950s ; a programme aimed at eradication of the disease rather than the mosquitoes that carried it .
16 YOU ca n't enjoy good beer if the pubs that serve them are badly run or have been modernised in a vulgar and insensitive fashion .
17 Instead , the finger of doom is pointing at Malcolm Crosby , a Wearside hero when he led Sunderland to the FA Cup final last season , but perilously close to getting his P45 if the players that love him let him down again today at Derby .
18 In Blake 's poem and Hemingway 's reportage , there is a correspondence between the writer 's anger and the conditions that evoke it .
19 Here are some of the main messages and the noises that transmit them :
20 When this disorder of mood returns again in the Dry Drunk Syndrome one sees the clear distinction between the disease of Alcoholism itself and the consequences that follow it , if and when the sufferer later returns to drinking .
21 Knowledge , rather , is an emergent of an interactive process between a collectivity of subjects and the objects that constitute their environment .
22 At the end of the day a company is no more ( but even more importantly , no less ) than the sum of the people and the skills that comprise it .
23 Volume one comprises eight chapters which introduce social insects and the factors that separate them from their less cooperative allies .
24 These observations suggest that the peak β cell mass may be determined early in life , even during gestation , and the factors that influence it are likely to be important in the development of diabetes .
25 They attempt to justify the claim and the assumptions that underlie it , by ‘ advancing some conjectures and some evidence regarding the ways in which language and thought change under the impact of the specialised forms of written text ’ ( ibid . ) .
26 For this reason it would appear likely that bones modified as greatly as these would be uncommon in the fossil record , and the predators that produce them unlikely to be important contributors to fossil bone assemblages .
27 We study different cultures and the communities that produce them , placing our primary emphasis on social relations and treating culture as a vehicle or medium for social interaction rather than an end in itself .
28 The W and Z particles figure prominently in attempts to develop a single unified theory of the particles that form the matter of the Universe and the forces that mould them together .
29 Since the 1970s physicists have had a ‘ standard model ’ of the fundamental particles of matter and the forces that govern their behaviour .
30 Above all , there is a feeling that the metaphysical and religious thinking revealed in the Greek dramas is specially relevant to German thought about the relation of man to the cosmos and the forces that rule it .
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