Example sentences of "[conj] the [adj] number [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The grounds upon which the powers to impose conditions may be exercised are very similar to those which are available in relation to processions ; section 14 provides that if the senior police officer believes that a public assembly may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or that the purposes of the persons organising it is to intimidate others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do , he may impose conditions as to the place of the assembly , its maximum duration or the maximum number of persons who may constitute it as may appear to him necessary to prevent the disorder , damage , disruption or intimidation .
2 Uneven allocation of notation to subjects with the same size of literature , ( or the same number of subdivisions being allocated different notational space ) will cause notation for some subjects to be exceptionally long .
3 Instead of hearing blocks of questions that used only more , or only less , they had to respond to such questions as ‘ Does this set of lollipops have more lollipops , less lollipops , or the same number of lollipops as this set ? ’
4 There are no reasons why all groups ca n't mix , except where the sheer numbers of users are dangerous .
5 ISDN services outside the UK are available in Australia , Belgium , France , Germany , Japan , Holland , Sweden , Switzerland , and the US , where the largest number of connections are in place .
6 Clearly , however , where the overall number of speakers is small as it is in many sociolinguistic surveys , the number of higher-status speakers turning up in a random selection procedure which samples from the entire urban area will be correspondingly small .
7 It is vital that the necessary number of jobs , Work Experience placements and teacher secondment placements are offered within the Compact , even when one or more of the employer participants is unable to fulfil all of their individual commitments .
8 Dobson argues convincingly that as the admission of freemen was controlled by the borough authorities , it is more probably that the increased number of admissions was prompted by their desire to spread the load of civic obligations , and to secure money from the payments made on entry to assist shaky borough finances .
9 An anonymous US official cited by several agencies on Dec. 27 said that the increased number of troops by now present made a more aggressive approach possible .
10 In this context it should be clear that the optimal number of residents in the locality is .
11 It is evident then that the optimal number of residents increases to .
12 The important point is that the optimal number of residents for a local authority can be determined only when the ‘ appropriate ’ quantity of the local public good is determined .
13 It should be noted at this point that the small number of boys who become anorexic ( 14 per cent as compared to 86 per cent girls of the patients studied by Bruch ) do so before they reach puberty and do not develop sexually until after they have recovered .
14 It would appear that the small number of pupils in a country school had read all in which they were interested and borrowing declined and it was not until a new set of children were ready for reading that regular lendings became frequent again in 1911 and 1912 .
15 Organisers are confident that the final number of riders will be double last year 's total .
16 On April 8 the governor of the south-eastern region , Hayri Kozacioglu , estimated that the total number of refugees had risen to 400,000 .
17 The entire Cabinet resigned to facilitate the re-shuffle and Prime Minister Michael Manley announced that the total number of ministers , ministers of state and parliamentary secretaries had been reduced from 39 to 28 .
18 Even though it 's bad news overall that the total number of incidents have increased again , there is good new in that there seems to be this increase in awareness and realization and commitment on the part of The Farming Union , the farmers and the water authorities to take the problem seriously and tackle it .
19 We will ensure that the total number of warheads on the four-boat Trident system is limited to no more than that currently deployed on the Polaris system , and our Defence Review will consider whether we can reduce this further without threatening security .
20 The government 's accent on the removal of surplus places and on open admissions policy makes it likely , however , that the total number of schools will decline .
21 There are no restrictions on the length of the pathname , but the logical name itself must be less than 20 characters , so that the total number of characters including the colon ( which LIFESPAN always requires you to explicitly type ) is 20 or less .
22 I hope that my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North agrees that the total number of passengers using King 's Cross and St.
23 Slotting the survey findings together , the authors found that the total number of landfills in America might be anything from 4,462 to 10,467 .
24 From documents that I have been sent by the senior chief inspector it is clear that the total number of inspectors will be used as follows : 11 will conduct high-profile surveys and focus inspections , six will inspect schools at risk and another 26 will undertake inspections to supplement database evidence .
25 Using functional notation , we can write : unc which states that the total number of jobs on offer is a function of , or depends on , the rate of national income and real labour costs .
26 Republicanism in Derry was weak — one activist has estimated that the total number of republicans of all shades of opinion in the city in 1968 was less than one hundred .
27 Karl Semper 's Animal Life as Affected by the Natural Conditions of Existence of 1881 developed the concept that would later be known as the food-chain and noted that the total numbers of predators must be much lower than the numbers of the prey organisms to maintain a stable system .
28 Launching International Literacy Year 1990 , UNESCO Director General said that the absolute number of illiterates had begun to decline for the first time in history .
29 Setting up such a Common Fund proved even more difficult and it was not until 1986 that the required number of states ratified the agreement .
30 Furthermore , even when examining recorded crimes only , changes in the figures may be accounted for by reasons other than the fact that the actual number of offences have changed , and there are a variety of other ways in which an increase in recorded crime can be accounted for .
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