Example sentences of "[conj] the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
2 focusing on difficulties in parenting , family relationships or the practical tasks of daily living
3 For some groups , there are also common secondary impairments caused either by the original impairment , or the long-term effects of medical treatment or rehabilitation .
4 But taking into account how often people applied any or the other comments to each type of credit — a rough guide to people 's overall familiarity with its image the apparent differences between the first five credit types on the list virtually disappear .
5 Things matter to the extent that they are significantly new in terms of official Catholic teaching ; that is to say , in comparison with papal teaching or the major textbooks of approved theology of the first half of the twentieth century .
6 ‘ Within us ’ the Mississippi in St Louis , like the voices in the rose garden in ‘ Burnt Norton ’ , or the dancers in the field of ‘ East Coker ’ , or the village concealed in the shape of modern London , or the savage elements in modern man , maintains a secret presence , ‘ waiting , watching and waiting ’ .
7 If either the Darwinians on the one hand , or the religious leaders of that time on the other , did make any effort to reconcile the theories of evolution with the doctrines of religion , they made no progress and the two factions became hopelessly opposed , and the religious leaders set up intense opposition to the teachings on evolution .
8 This applies equally whether we are talking about the sedimentary layers of the cake itself or the palaeontological currants within each layer .
9 Use fish or chicken more often , or the leaner cuts of red meat .
10 Every available wall space was covered with graffiti and fervent slogans , or the accumulated remnants of countless religious posters .
11 Apathy or the new loyalties to working-class politics , where both the Labour and Communist parties were militantly hostile to fascism , ensured that the BUF made no impact in such localities .
12 In other words , there is either no opening and closing working capital for each year or the two balances for each year are the same .
13 It was the educated and Westernized who were most important as nationalist leaders , and these were almost invariably drawn from the urban middle class or the Western-educated children of rural landlords .
14 This essay untangles what we know of Rose of Lima from modern concepts of anorexia , neurosis or masochism , or the easy definitions of patriarchal oppression through which contemporary interpreters are tempted to explain the penances of women saints .
15 In implementing screening through incorporation of earthed metallic enclosures , either in the form of boxes round components or the braided outers of coaxial cables , care must be exercised to ensure that not more than one point of the circuit is earthed otherwise part of it will be shorted out .
16 At least 2,000 died in Badajoz alone , most of them machine-gunned in the bullring ; thousands more perished at the hands of the Legionaries , the Moors or the right-wing militias in other towns and villages of Andalusia and Extremadura .
17 It need not have the medical checks or the rules on weight difference or the timed rounds of official boxing .
18 The British Architectural Library is inviting nominations for the annual Sir Bannister Fletcher Awards of the Authors ' Club for the best book published on architecture or the fine arts during 1991 .
19 Enthusiastic naturalist chappie , always writing letters and little pieces for the Sturford Gazette about plant species threatened by insecticide , or the medicinal properties of this or that weed .
20 This is the conclusion which many , approaching by this or similar routes , have come to see as inevitable , after the successive failures to prove that principles of conduct can be grounded in the existence of God , or in Kant 's Categorical Imperative validated a priori like ‘ two and two make four ’ , or in the biological facts of evolution or the psychological facts of human needs .
21 By a similar slip of logic it is sometimes presumed in such discussions that voluntary bodies are the only or the main beneficiaries of voluntary help and cash aid .
22 A second stage emerges when the achievement of representative government , universal and equal suffrage , and free elections seems to diminish the importance of political action outside the formal institutional sphere , although in periods of crisis social movements , such as the unemployed workers ' movements or the fascist movements in some European countries , may develop .
23 That is to say , characteristics of places , which give rise to the equilibrating tendencies of neo-classical theory or the reinforcing tendencies of cumulative causation , or which propel capital 's restless search for profit described by Marxism , are characteristics produced by society itself ; indeed they are products of the very industrial system which subsequently reacts to them .
24 Thus , to continue with the example , different processes , or the same processes with different magnitudes , may well operate between volunteers , draftees and those with no military experience .
25 For long solitary hours he would take stance on some sea cliff watching the sharp-winged flutter of terns as they hung above the sea to fish , or the magnificent splashes of great gannets , or the rugged gliding of herring gulls .
26 A man who became 40 just before or just after 1 January 1986 is much more likely to contribute a death to the numerator than a man who became 40 in the early days of 1985 or the last days of 1986 .
27 7.5.2 When the circumstances contemplated in clause 7.5.1 arise the Rent [ and Service Charge ] or a fair proportion of the Rent [ and Service Charge ] according to the nature and the extent of the damage sustained shall cease to be payable until the Premises or the Retained Parts or the damaged parts of either of them shall have been rebuilt or reinstated so that the Premises or the affected part are made fit for occupation or use [ or until the expiration of [ 3 ] years from the destruction or damage whichever period is the shorter ] [ ( the amount of such proportion and the period during which the Rent [ and Service Charge ] shall cease to be payable to be determined by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ) or ( any dispute as to such proportion or the period during which the Rent [ and Service Charge ] shall cease to be payable to be determined in accordance with the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1979 by an arbitrator to be appointed by agreement between the parties or in default by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors upon the application of either party ) ] This provision should always be amended to include reference not only to the premises but also to the building of which the premises form part in the event that the premises do not stand alone .
28 He could not join in the telling of smutty jokes or the foraging expeditions for willing females .
29 We take a discrete time model where the individual lives for two periods , working in the first , using savings from the first to provide for retirement , and there are no bequests .
30 The location of the innovation there is not in final assembly but in the body shop where the various panels of pressed steel are welded together to form the body .
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